
Lendlease Group higher Thursday, outperforms the Real Estate sector

Here is the latest company close update for Lendlease Group, LLC.

Shares of Lendlease Group (LLC), rallied 1.44% to close at $6.32 yesterday.

The Real Estate (XRE) industry inched 0.84% to close at 3885.3.

Lendlease Group closed $1.24 below its 52-week high ($7.56), which the company achieved on Tuesday, January 02.

The stock demonstrated a mixed performance when compared to some of its competitors Thursday, as Goodman Group (GMG), fell 0.05% to $36.53 and Charter Hall Group (CHC), rose 2.1% to $15.07.

Trading volume of 510,542 remained 719,012 below its 30-day average volume of 1.2 million.

More Lendlease Group news and latest stock charts.

Editor's Note: This story was auto-generated by DataLocal, a division of News Corp Australia, using data from Morningstar, extracted at 5.01pm, Thursday, December 26. See our market data terms of use.

Read related topics:Lendlease

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