Legal eagles swoop on `first rate’ cyber law team
Thomson Geer has made its third raid on the Queensland legal fraternity in over a decade, this time they poached a `first rate’ tech and cyber law team from a renowned practice.
Thomson Geer has made its third raid on the Queensland legal fraternity in over a decade, this time they poached a `first rate’ tech and cyber law team from a renowned practice.
Creditors have voted to liquidate a troubled fund linked with Keystone Asset Management, with a number of assets likely to be carved up.
More than 8000 taxi and hire car drivers are poised to claim a slice of a $271m, after a court approved a class action settlement.
The federal government will formally back the competition regulator’s request for new powers to regulate digital platforms like Apple, Google and Facebook.
Analyst Saul Kavonic says tens of billions of dollars in potential investment in Australia has stalled due to the EDO’s tactics.
Devastated parents have vented their anger at childcare centres where their little girls were repeatedly raped and assaulted by one of Australia’s worst pedophiles, Ashley Paul Griffith.
Keystone Asset Management’s administrator has rejected a final bid for control of the troubled fund by building contractor Robert Filippini, who’s currently being probed by ASIC.
Legendary Sydney barrister, celebrated World War II pilot, former federal attorney-general and avid farmer Tom Hughes AO KC has died just two days after he marked his 101st birthday.
The Environmental Defenders Office has been ordered to pay more than $9m to Santos over its role in the legal challenge against the company’s Barossa gas project. It only has $8.5m in the bank.
More than a dozen parents and now-adult victims have told of the moment they discovered childhoods had been shattered by Australia’s worst pedophile, Ashley Paul Griffith.
Australia is the world’s seventh-largest financial backer of an organisation that has been designed from the start to be biased against Israel.
Commonwealth Bank and Colonial First State may be on the hook for nearly $1bn as a class action lodged years ago attempts to claw back money for super members.
A judge has been reinstated after being sidelined for accusing the state prosecution office of running baseless rape trials, despite the judicial watchdog saying he shouldn’t hear criminal matters ‘for the foreseeable future’.
Element Zero has lodged an appeal against a judge’s decision to let mining giant Fortescue seize millions of files from the homes and offices of its staff as part of an intellectual property fight.
Academic and cultural experts exchanged emails and text messages coaching each other on how to use a rainbow serpent and crocodile man songline map to block Santos’s Barossa project in the Timor Sea.
The Attorney-General has refused to answer questions over whether he would exercise his powers to ignore the International Criminal Court’s arrest warrants against Israeli leaders.
Administrators of Melbourne-based funds management company Keystone say it may have traded while insolvent, as they rejected a bid for control of the company.
After giving a grieving father the run-around for a year before paying out his son’s death benefit, Cbus is still refusing to give him key details about the make-up of the payment.
Former staff who worked at an award-winning architectural firm have sounded the alarm about the sector’s governance as bullying complaints pile up.
A former notorious conwoman who has become one of the nation’s most active fundraisers will have to show she has properly accounted for donations.
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