
JobKeeper 2.0 changes to be introduced this week

Changes to the JobKeeper and JobSeeker programs will be introduced in the Federal Parliament this week.

Why any change to JobSeeker could push up to 650,000 Aussies into poverty

Changes to the JobKeeper and JobSeeker programs will be introduced into Federal Parliament this week.

Politicians on Monday returned to Canberra for a fortnight of parliamentary sitting with some using video links to contribute to debates from their home states.

New legislation, expected to be introduced on Wednesday, will extend JobKeeper and JobSeeker beyond September 27 at a reduced payment rate, and extend emergency industrial relations changes.

“It will transition from $1500 (a fortnight) down to $1200 and then down to $1000 (from January) and there will be two different payments based on the number of hours worked,” Mr Frydenberg told Today on Monday.

“But at $101 billion and supporting nearly 4 million Australian workers in this September quarter … JobKeeper is an incredible program.

“They are not my words. They are the words of the governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia.”

Treasury analysis is forecasting the effective unemployment rate will to return to 13 per cent in August and September. Picture: NCA NewsWire / David Geraghty
Treasury analysis is forecasting the effective unemployment rate will to return to 13 per cent in August and September. Picture: NCA NewsWire / David Geraghty

The Coalition will need three of five crossbench votes in the Senate to pass the legislation.

Centre Alliance Senator Stirling Griff has reportedly given his support for the JobKeeper 2.0 extension.

Tasmanian Senator Jacqui Lambie gave an impassioned speech in the Upper House on Monday saying the payments have to be continued at their current rates until after Christmas.

“I want to get money out to Australians that need it most,” she said.

“It is not fair and it is not sensible.”

Opposition leader Anthony Albanese on Monday said Labor would be “constructive” but would not block the support measure from passing.

However, Mr Albanese said the wage subsidy rate should not be cut.

“There are a whole range of businesses that are really struggling and that require this support and an early withdrawal of support will mean that the downturn is deeper, and it will last longer,” he said.

Labor leader Anthony Albanese does not want the $1500 rate to be cut. Politicians attending Parliament House this fortnight have been asked to wear masks in public areas. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Dylan Coker
Labor leader Anthony Albanese does not want the $1500 rate to be cut. Politicians attending Parliament House this fortnight have been asked to wear masks in public areas. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Dylan Coker

As Victoria marks its half way point in its stage four lockdown, Mr Frydenberg said Treasury analysis showed up to 400,000 people in Victoria would either lose their job or see their hours reduced to zero.

The nation’s effective unemployment rate – which includes people still employed but on zero hours – stands at 9.9 per cent.

However Treasury forecasts it could again rise to 13 per cent in August and September.

NSW is leading the nation’s jobs growth with 315,000 jobs created in the past two months.

Mr Frydenberg said 340,000 new jobs have been created around the country.

“Now 58 per cent of those have gone to women and around 44 per cent have gone to young people,” he said.

Jade Gailberger
Jade GailbergerFederal politics reporter

Jade Gailberger is a political reporter based in the Canberra Press Gallery. She has reported on federal politics since 2018, and has covered several state and federal elections. Jade's previous roles include city editor and environment reporter at The Advertiser.

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