
Doctors and nurses rally at Perth Children’s Hospital after girl’s death, calling for vital health system improvements

Angry doctors and nurses have rallied following the tragic death of a young girl in hospital, demanding vital changes to the struggling health system.

Seven-year-old dies at Perth Hospital after being overlooked (9 News)

About 1000 angry nurses and doctors have rallied outside Perth Children’s Hospital following the death of seven-year-old Aishwarya Aswath, demanding vital improvements to the state’s struggling health system.

The Australian Nurses Federation was joined by the Australian Medical Association for the rally, with staff from hospitals across Perth attending.

Many people held signs that read “We care about Aishwarya”, “Listen to frontline staff”, “Report the executive — not us” and “Please don’t throw me under the bus”.

Health Minister Roger Cook was booed and heckled as he addressed the protesters.

Aishwarya died at Perth Children’s Hospital over the Easter weekend. Picture: 9 News
Aishwarya died at Perth Children’s Hospital over the Easter weekend. Picture: 9 News

“I know we have to fix the system — I’m not going to sugar coat this ... I’m determined to make sure we have the resources and I’m determined to make sure we have the partnership with your union leaders to make sure that we can address it,” he said.

One woman interjected: “But don’t tell lies!”

“I’ll stand by you, I’ll be here in good times ... and bad. I will always come and meet with you and hear your concerns and I will act on those concerns,” Mr Cook continued.

“I want to provide answers for Aishwarya’s family, I want to provide support to you ... this is the single most important thing that I will do as the minister for health — this is my priority for the year.”

Mr Cook also announced investments at the hospital including an additional 20 beds, 16 emergency department nurses and a triage desk administration officer.

He also announced a designated resuscitation team for every shift, a staff development nurse in the emergency department and a boost in clinical nurse specialist shifts to provide more supervision.

A ministerial advisory panel will also be established to address organisational, cultural and staff engagement issues, which will include members of the ANF and AMA.

Aishwarya developed a fever on Good Friday and was taken to Perth Children’s Hospital the next day, but had to wait about two hours in the emergency department before she received treatment.

She died soon after from a bacterial infection.

The rally follows the death of Aishwarya. Picture: 9 News
The rally follows the death of Aishwarya. Picture: 9 News

An internal report into the tragedy made 11 recommendations — including improvement to the triage process, a clear way for parents to escalate concerns and a review of cultural awareness for staff — but Aishwarya’s parents said the report raised more questions than it answered.

The family wants a broader independent inquiry to look at all 21 near-misses in the past 15 months – not just their daughter’s case.

Some people have been referred to medical authorities, while Child and Adolescent Health Service chair Debbie Karasinski resigned after the report was handed down.

AMA state president Andrew Miller and the opposition have both called for Mr Cook to go too.

But Premier Mark McGowan has repeatedly told reporters Mr Cook’s job is safe.

Mr Cook has met with Aishwarya’s parents and publicly apologised for their loss.

It is understood the family supported the rally.

Angie Raphael

Angie Raphael has almost two decades of experience as a journalist. Angie began her career in regional and community newspapers, then worked at the Australian Associated Press for 10 years before joining NCA NewsWire in Perth. Angie has specialised in court reporting, politics and entertainment, as well as covering bushfires, shark attacks and other disasters. Fun fact: Angie has never lost a chocolate eating challenge.

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