Grylls iron ore slug misses mark
A plan by the WA Nationals leader to slap a $7.2bn tax on BHP and Rio has failed to generate voter support.
A plan by the WA Nationals leader to slap a $7.2bn tax on BHP and Rio has failed to generate voter support.
The Barnett government has pledged to jail small-time methamphetamine dealers and mules for between one and 15 years.
Pauline Hanson’s One Nation party has struck a preference deal with the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party in WA.
Colin Barnett launches a sales pitch for his electricity privatisation plan ahead of the March 11 election.
David Miller, a lifelong Labor voter and former union shop steward, will contest the WA election for One Nation.
Alcohol-fuelled violence, often involving children, has plunged the towns of Port Hedland and South Hedland into crisis.
A quick Newspoll reader nailed a message for the Premier on the famous Cottesloe pylon, in his own electorate, this morning.
WA’s Liberal-National government is in an election campaign brawl with miners over a proposed royalties increase.
The Threatened Species Commissioner plans to lobby governments to relax rules on keeping native animals as pets.
Pauline Hanson responds to calls she sack a state election candidate who believes single motherhood is a “lifestyle choice”.
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