Hostility moves votes as much as enthusiasm
One lesson from the November US election is that hostility motivates voters as much as enthusiasm does.
One lesson from the November US election is that hostility motivates voters as much as enthusiasm does.
Senators Perdue and Loeffler are the last line of defence for conservatives.
Democrats seemed to do everything right, but the GOP quietly carried the day.
US election recounts occasionally change margins in the hundreds, never in the tens of thousands.
The ‘blue wave’ that Democrats promised came nowhere near materialising.
Joe Biden calls for unity but is vague as to what he expects voters to unify for.
Joe Biden stays home, nobody trusts polling, and voting methods have become partisan.
The 2020 campaign has entered its final stretch. Four years ago, Donald Trump needed a straight — and drew it. This time he needs something like a royal flush.
In a town-hall debate, the winner is often the one who keeps his cool and attacks indirectly.
Donald Trump and Joe Biden both sought a clear win and in this unedifying debate neither got one, but Trump needed it more.
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