‘Citizenship lessons lost’
An independent caught up in a 1990s dual citizenship fight has blasted MPs for having ‘scant regard’ for the lessons.
An independent caught up in a 1990s dual citizenship fight has blasted MPs for having ‘scant regard’ for the lessons.
A law exempting wedding planners and florists from the Sex Discrimination Act will be put to the Senate.
Tony Windsor will not rule out contesting the seat of New England if Barnaby Joyce’s election is deemed invalid.
If the High Court rules against Barnaby Joyce, the PM will face some extraordinary decisions in order to keep his man.
Bill English says Barnaby Joyce is, ‘unwittingly or not’, considered to be a citizen of New Zealand.
The Catholic Archbishop of Sydney has launched an attack on the push to legalise same-sex marriage.
The Turnbull cabinet will run dead on the same-sex marriage plebiscite for the next three months.
The AEC moves to quash speculation by saying 16- and 17-year-olds will not be able to vote in the postal plebiscite.
Labor has been urged to “go back to the drawing board” over its proposed crackdown on discretionary trusts.
MPs opposed to same-sex marriage say it could leave traditional marriage defenders exposed to legal challenge.
Original URL: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/author/joe-kelly/page/196