Ministers back changes to bill
Conservative MPs were confident support was growing for five amendments to be moved by two Liberal ministers.
Conservative MPs were confident support was growing for five amendments to be moved by two Liberal ministers.
Barnaby Joyce has signalled a push by the Nationals to defy the Turnbull cabinet and embrace a banking inquiry.
A forum in Bennelong has urged Malcolm Turnbull to stand up for religious freedom and parents’ rights.
Nationals MP Llew O’Brien has confirmed he’ll support a bill pushing for a banking inquiry being championed by party colleague Barry O’Sullivan.
Conservative MPs will move five amendments aimed at ensuring a cross-party SSM bill better upholds parental rights and freedom of speech.
The Nationals will consider embracing a push by Queensland senator Barry O’Sullivan for an inquiry into the banking sector.
Liberal Party officials in SA have cleared Christopher Pyne of any misconduct before the 2013 election.
New amendment to SSM legislation planned as resentment grows within government and John Howard raises concerns.
John Alexander spruiked ‘great news’ as his British citizenship was renounced. But new polling data is a major blow.
Liberal Party quashes suggestions the Bennelong by-election is unneccessary, citing documents from the UK Home Office.
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