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Jill Rowbotham
Jill RowbothamLegal Affairs Correspondent

Jill Rowbotham is an experienced journalist who has been a foreign correspondent as well as bureau chief in Perth and Sydney, opinion and media editor, deputy editor of The Weekend Australian Magazine and higher education writer.


Intimations of morality

Intimations of morality

CLIVE Hamilton has considerable drawing power among the reading public, but will a book about non-religious spirituality based on the premise that we need to be good for goodness’s sake walk off the shelves?

Higher Education
Proven … it pays off to be faithful

Proven … it pays off to be faithful

GET a philosopher and keen game theorist started on the subject of love and you are in for a wild ride, which starts with some musing on “co-operative behaviour” (fidelity) and ends with the depressing news that the mathematical chances of meeting the right person are (drum roll) … 37 per cent.

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