A mockery of freedom of expression
IF we don’t defend Western values, it signals acceptance of Islamic rules by default.
IF we don’t defend Western values, it signals acceptance of Islamic rules by default.
WHAT’S next from the anti-democratic Left?
THE former leader is the best man to save a once blue-ribbon seat.
THOSE who make excuses for dysfunctional low-life should take a look at Lisbeth Salander, a dragon-tattooed heroine for our times.
THE rights of the media end where the right to a fair trial begins.
THE Opposition Leader should channel Joe Lyons, not Mark Latham.
ABC does not stand for ‘Aunty Beyond Criticism’.
Germaine Greer is now more interested in fame than revolution, writes Janet Albrechtsen
OVER the past decade, medical experts have started decoding the human genome to provide genetically-personalised medicine.
The more we see of the PM, the less we know and like him.
Original URL: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/author/janet-albrechtsen/page/116