Fatal flaw in case for a carbon tax
THE scenario in which we act while our main competitors do not has been ignored.
THE scenario in which we act while our main competitors do not has been ignored.
HALF the revenue from a tax or permits will go overseas, creating a budget shortfall.
THE euro, like the ETS, was imposed without a debate that could have exposed its flaws.
THE NBN deal kills competition, trashes hardware and chains us to a white elephant.
LIKE all other governments, our greenhouse policies are highly costly and ineffective.
WRONG answers will doom the carbon modelling.
GARNAUT’S climate change report reaches Himalayan heights in its looseness.
THERE are dangerous parallels with 40 years ago as US policy fuels global inflation.
OVER the long term ageing will make current policy commitments unaffordable.
AS we now live longer the community needs an efficient retirement income scheme.
Original URL: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/author/henry-ergas/page/81