Blackbirds a garden pest
Birds can be a pest in your vegie patch, up-ending just-planted seedlings. How do you stop them?
Birds can be a pest in your vegie patch, up-ending just-planted seedlings. How do you stop them?
Spring garden shows are bursting with colour and fragrance from daffodils, tulips, hyacinths and other bulbs.
Supermarket tomatoes are bland. Here is a simple trick to fire up their flavour.
Take yourself for a picnic in the Illawarra Grevillea Park and appreciate native plants in a natural setting.
My avocado is growing, but will it ever fruit?
Neighbours have been known to come to blows over the size of their huge Leyland cypresses.
Learn floristry skills from teachers who have a passion for flowers.
A new park of native trees and winding pathways has opened in Sydney. You’ve never seen the harbour like this | MORE PICS
Trees to block out the neighbours, plus all the dirt on banksias, pruning geraniums and frangipani seeds.
Dead animal carcasses can help give your trees and garden a boost.
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