Current impetus sustainable: telco giant
ALCATEL-Lucent has a lucrative contract to supply critical fibre optic equipment for the NBN.
ALCATEL-Lucent has a lucrative contract to supply critical fibre optic equipment for the NBN.
SIMON Overland’s leaking of secret intelligence from phone taps during Operation Briars should have made his later chief police role untenable.
RACING car driver Max Twigg is wearing of the biggest losses ever on a Queensland property.
ONE of Queensland’s most senior public servants accused the owner and operator of the Wivenhoe Dam of avoiding its policy responsibilities.
SENIOR officials in Premier Anna Bligh’s department proposed pre-emptive releases of water from Queensland’s Wivenhoe Dam.
THE Bligh government conducted an audit of its ability to manage flood risks and found major gaps and shortcomings several months before the Queensland floods.
QUEENSLAND’S Labor government is opening a new attack against Campbell Newman by targeting the Brisbane Lord Mayor’s record as a financial manager.
IN its campaign against Campbell Newman, Labor will target his financial record in Brisbane.
EXTREME rainfall so rare it happens on average once every 2000 years has been “invented” by the government operator of a major Queensland dam
CAMPBELL Newman is convinced his time has come.
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