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Graeme Blundell

Actor, director, producer and writer, Graeme Blundell has been associated with many pivotal moments in Australian theatre, film and television. He has directed over 100 plays, acted in about the same number, and appeared in more than 40 films and hundreds of hours of television. He is also a prolific reporter, and is the national television critic for The Australian. Graeme presents movies on Foxtel’s Fox Classics, and presents film review show Screen on Foxtel’s arts channel with Margaret Pomeranz.


Graeme Blundell
Working the room

Working the room

BILLY Connolly said recently that he had no idea what comedy was and that he really did not want to know.

Graeme Blundell
Dark side of the doc

Dark side of the doc

“I SEND you herewith a gothic gnome, interesting I think, and he came out of a deep mine, where he guards the fountain of tears,” Robert Louis Stevenson wrote to a friend, offering his novella The Mysterious Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

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