Nature, read in truth and claw
THE epigraph for T.C. Boyle’s new short-story collection – Henry David Thoreau’s In Wildness is the Preservation of the World – seems perversely counter-intuitive.
THE epigraph for T.C. Boyle’s new short-story collection – Henry David Thoreau’s In Wildness is the Preservation of the World – seems perversely counter-intuitive.
Solar By Ian McEwan Jonathan Cape, 285pp, $32.95
Sydney Bridge Upside Down By David Ballantyne Text, 278pp, $27.95
Prize culture has long controlled the business of literature, but has it begun to shape the content as well
Generosity By Richard Powers 296pp, Atlantic, $32.95
The complexity of Dostoevsky’s world view emerges in an important new biography, writes Geordie Williamson
‘THIS book was written without my knowledge,” says Zadie Smith in the preface to Changing my Mind.
The Original of Laura By Vladimir Nabokov Secker And Warburg, 320pp, $55
The Lacuna By Barbara Kingsolver Faber, 507pp, $29.95
WILLIAM Feaver had an old affinity with traditional forms but still has eyes for the new and wild.
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