Whyalla resumes steel production after outage
The resumption of steel production at the SA regional city of Whyalla will boost hopes the plant’s future can be safeguarded, but even owner GFG has conceded hurdles endure.
The resumption of steel production at the SA regional city of Whyalla will boost hopes the plant’s future can be safeguarded, but even owner GFG has conceded hurdles endure.
The Australian Energy Market Commission expects its rule change to improve returns to households and businesses which have rooftop solar panels and batteries.
The value of Australian energy and resource exports will tumble, heightening pressure on the country’s $2.5 trillion economy and darkening Labor’s election prospects.
Works on HumeLink will ease concerns about Australia’s energy transition, but carry a price tag of nearly $5bn.
The energy giants have agreed to an asset swap deal that will allow each one to focus on individual priorities.
The funding will allow one of Australia’s largest renewable energy developers to accelerate developments as it targets 10GW of new capacity.
A cool change is expected to ease the strain on the grid, but the political heat about the future of Australia’s National Electricity Market remains red-hot.
Labor hopes that by permitting new energy worker accommodation to be built, it will temper community opposition that threatens to delay large-scale wind and solar developments.
NSW’s two largest coal power stations are running at reduced capacity just as energy demand is expected to surge.
Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek must now decide whether to endorse the extension, alienating environmentalists, or overrule it which will inflame ties between the resource sector and Labor.
Original URL: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/author/colin-packham/page/5