Flugge afraid of jail term he ‘doesn’t deserve’
TREVOR Flugge does not want to go to prison, nor does he believe that he has done anything even remotely likely to send him there.
TREVOR Flugge does not want to go to prison, nor does he believe that he has done anything even remotely likely to send him there.
THE head of the AWB Iraqi kickbacks inquiry has handed the final report on his investigation into the scandal to Governor-General Michael Jeffery.
NORTH American wheat farmers have withdrawn a $US1 billion ($1.3 billion) class action against the embattled AWB.
AWB is resigned to losing its status as the nation’s monopoly wheat exporter after Terence Cole hands down his report into the Iraqi kickbacks scandal on Friday.
ONE of the AWB executives likely to face criminal charges over the Iraq kickbacks scandal claims that a senior bureaucrat from the Australian embassy in Jordan was present during a meeting with the Iraqis where the controversial Tigris deal was discussed.
A SECRET cable outlining Iraq’s demands for kickbacks was opened by more than 70 officials of the Department of Foreign Affairs, according to documents released by the Cole inquiry.
WHEN Shakira Hussein moved from Gympie in country Queensland to London in the early 1990s she thought she would find adventure and excitement and perhaps forge new bonds with her distant relatives.
WHEN you cut the colour out of the mufti’s speech – when you drop the references to cats, to uncovered meat, and even to Satan – his message doesn’t become more palatable, it is horrific.
THE man who was first to jump to the defence of Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali, following his comments comparing women to meat, was the same man who 10 years ago translated jihadi propaganda, including an interview with Osama bin Laden, for an extremist Islamic magazine based in Sydney.
DROUGHT-stricken wheat farmers will tomorrow get an offer they can’t possibly refuse – except that it would be illegal to accept it.
Original URL: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/author/caroline-overington/page/164