
Bernard Salt

Bernard Salt
Bernard SaltColumnist

Bernard Salt is widely regarded as one of Australia’s leading social commentators by business, the media and the broader community. He is the Managing Director of The Demographics Group, and he writes weekly columns for The Australian that deal with social, generational and demographic matters.


Bernard SaltOpinion
Where to put extra millions?

Where to put extra millions?

PROJECTIONS show the national population growing from 22 million to between 34 million and 62 million at the end of the century.

Bernard SaltBernard Salt
Gorgon means cultural links

Gorgon means cultural links

THE confirmation of the Gorgon gas deal has linked the commercial, and I suspect cultural, destinies of Australia and China for the next 20 years.

Bernard SaltBernard Salt
Let burbs be heard

Let burbs be heard

OVER the past decade there has evolved within Australian cities a growing cultural divergence between different social groups.

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