Asian buyers show faith in hotel market
The chronic lack of hotel guests, and plunging room and occupancy rates, are not deterring Asian investors from pursuing city hotels.
The chronic lack of hotel guests, and plunging room and occupancy rates, are not deterring Asian investors from pursuing city hotels.
Green bonds come at a premium for now but are getting cheaper for companies to issue as more big institutions take on green mandates.
Dexus has struck a series of fresh leasing deals and is keeping its distribution in line with last year.
The country’s largest residential developer has seen a sales surge, but builders are scrambling to meet demand.
Dexus has earmarked health as the next big asset class and is looking to get the jump on listed rivals.
Global property developer and builder Lendlease appears to be making good on its promise to simplify its sprawling operations.
The pub company run by Woolworths and billionaire Bruce Mathieson is again at loggerheads with its landlord.
The former cabinet minister has plans to join more boards as she begins a post-politics career.
Business chiefs, including one of Australia’s most powerful chief executives, have condemned the slow pace at which Daniel Andrews will lift Melbourne’s lockdown rules.
Investment in Australian residential property by foreign interests plunged by $1bn before the pandemic struck and is set to worsen from new rules: industry experts.
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