Cyber threat to power
Power stations, transport systems and industrial plants are at risk from a new threat of cyber attacks.
Power stations, transport systems and industrial plants are at risk from a new threat of cyber attacks.
The home of a federal official and husband of Australia’s ambassador to Iraq was searched.
Papua New Guinea’s most senior public servant has become embroiled in a conflict of interest scandal.
Marise Payne said Australia has urged Beijing “to listen to the legitimate concerns of its people” in Hong Kong.
Four Australians are being deported from Indonesia for allegedly joining protests in West Papua.
The East Timorese ambassador to Australia says any ‘friend’ will do when it comes to funding the country’s infrastructure needs.
The head of the US Senate intelligence committee has called for a Five Eyes innovation partnership to take on China.
Chinese police tried to break Yang Hengjun by telling him Canberra would not help him because he is ‘not white’.
Steve Bracks says China believes it can win over East Timor as a strategic ally on our doorstep.
China ‘deplores’ statement from Marise Payne on case of arrested writer, Yang Hengjun.
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