West to receive equal aid funds
Flood victims in Western Australia’s Gascoyne region are now likely to receive as much l help as those crippled by the Queensland floods.
Flood victims in Western Australia’s Gascoyne region are now likely to receive as much l help as those crippled by the Queensland floods.
LIKE a long lost aunt bustling back to rearrange the family table, La Nina has up-ended Australia’s climate system this year
INDIGENOUS Australians and other Melanesian peoples have evolved in part from a hitherto unknown strain of Neanderthal-like Siberians.
THE first Frank Gehry building in Australia has been cheekily described as looking like “a treehouse fallen from its tree”
RUSSELL Crowe was forced to cede the star limelight to Oprah Winfrey yesterday
Sally and Michael Morgan know all about floods. They live in a flood-prone town, in a purpose-built flood-proof house.
It’s easy to underestimate the devastation caused by swollen rivers as they spilled out over much of eastern Australia this week.
IT took just over two hours for the swollen Queanbeyan River to rise 3m, splitting the southern NSW town in two and forcing more than 100 people to flee.
THE floods crisis has now spread to four states.
RURAL townships across NSW have kept their collective heads above water as levees held, but several communities remain on high alert.
Original URL: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/author/amos-aikman/page/179