Rent boom drives investors
Residential property investors have enjoyed unprecedented levels of positive returns as rental yields outpace mortgage rates.
Residential property investors have enjoyed unprecedented levels of positive returns as rental yields outpace mortgage rates.
The government’s bond aggregator has unveiled a second round of funding for community housing providers valued at $315m.
Goodman has avoided a second consecutive strike against its pay practices, but investors remain unhappy with incentive structures.
Rising house prices and looser credit conditions are expected to drive a pick-up in residential sales next year.
HSBC economists boost house price forecasts on lending changes and improved confidence.
While a firefront approached Toowoomba, the Sunshine Coast was being pummelled by hail.
Almost 20 people were arrested on the first night of the annual schoolies celebrations on the Gold Coast.
Warm temperatures, strong winds and dry air intensify conditions as one of Qld’s largest bushfires closes in.
Chinese buyers’ superstitions around property purchases are beginning to wane as a next generation prioritises value.
Last weekend’s lull in auction numbers is expected to make way for a rebound in property numbers.
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