2011 flood victims still suffering
A loss in value for homes inundated in the 2011 Brisbane floods will be a factor in the damages payout of the Wivenhoe Dam class-action compensation claim.
A loss in value for homes inundated in the 2011 Brisbane floods will be a factor in the damages payout of the Wivenhoe Dam class-action compensation claim.
A crackdown an on Airbnb-led explosion of holiday rentals in Noosa is an assault on porperty rights, a Law Society has warned.
Despite distance and not much in common, Melbourne’s St Kilda and Queensland’s dusty Moranbah share one thing.
Bushfires are still threatening large swaths of NSW and Queensland.
Repair works mean the green light has been given to return home to the Sydney Olympic Park apartments.
Huge swaths of the country are set to swelter this week, with temperatures as high as 50C in some regions.
Australia-wide temperatures up to 12C above average are set to break records with Queensland bearing the brunt first.
House prices in Sydney, Melbourne forecast to keep surging next year by up to 10 per cent.
Women are increasingly joining the ranks of racehorse owners across the country trying their luck at the sport.
Julie and Jessica Richards shared a mother-daughter bond that was as strong as it gets. When tragedy struck they were together.
Original URL: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/author/Mackenzie-Scott/page/153