Review’s Isolation Room: John Butler and Mama Kin
John Butler and Mama Kin (aka Danielle Caruana) perform their unreleased 2011 song Jenny, for Review’s video series starring top artistic performers recording at home.
Welcome to Review’s Isolation Room. As a pandemic spreads around the world, and increasingly touches the lives of more Australians, some of the country’s best musicians, authors, dancers and artists have hunkered down, given their time and recorded performances for The Australian’s readers.
From Missy Higgins to Deborah Conway; Tim Rogers to Brian Cadd; The Australian Ballet to Tom Keneally and beyond, the Isolation Room is a place of great art and hope for a country at its time of need.
John Butler and Mama Kin
John Butler and Mama Kin (aka Danielle Caruana) play Jenny, from their 2011 side project Brave and the Bird, performed at their home near Margaret River, Western Australia on Thursday, April 9 2020. To support the artists, visit their websites at and To connect with the artists, visit and
John Butler profiled in The Weekend Australian Review by Iain Shedden, February 2014
Mama Kin profiled in The Weekend Australian Review by Iain Shedden, October 2010
Watch more of Review’s Isolation Room
Series credits:
Review editor and project co-ordinator: Tim Douglas
Review deputy editor: Bridget Cormack
National music writer: Andrew McMillen
Video producer: Nicholas Adams-Dzierzba