

This was published 7 years ago

Donald Trump taps Obamacare critic to overhaul health system

By Steve Holland

New York: US President-elect Donald Trump named a vociferous critic of Obamacare and a health policy expert to key appointments on Tuesday to help him repeal and replace President Barack Obama's signature healthcare program.

Republican Representative Tom Price, an orthopedic surgeon from Georgia, will be Trump's Health and Human Services (HHS) secretary, and Seema Verma, the founder of a health policy consulting company, will lead the Centres for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which is part of HHS and which oversees government health programs for the poor and the elderly and insurance standards.

Trump cast Price and Verma as a "dream team" to help him once he takes office on January 20 with his campaign pledge to repeal Obamacare, the health law formally known as the Affordable Care Act. Since its enactment in 2010, it has been a target of Republican attacks.

Price has characterised Obamacare as "doing real harm to American families" and has co-sponsored legislation to replace it.

Trump Tower elevators close on Obamacare-critic Tom Price, who has been picked for Health Secretary in the Trump administration.

Trump Tower elevators close on Obamacare-critic Tom Price, who has been picked for Health Secretary in the Trump administration.Credit: AP

Verma helped Indiana Governor Mike Pence, now Vice-President-elect, add conservative pieces to Medicaid coverage for the state's poor by requiring beneficiaries to make contributions to health savings accounts. She also worked on Medicaid reform programs in Iowa, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee.

Chuck Schumer, a top Senate Democrat, was among defenders of the law who criticised Price's selection. "Nominating Congressman Price to be the HHS secretary is akin to asking the fox to guard the hen house," Schumer said.

The 2010 healthcare overhaul, aimed at expanding insurance coverage to millions more Americans, triggered a long, bitter fight between the White House and congressional Republicans, who said it created unwarranted government intervention in personal healthcare and private industry.

Trump has said he will replace Obamacare with a plan to give states more control over the Medicaid health plan for the poor and allow insurers to sell plans nationally.

Georgia Representative Republican Tom Price will preside over the dismantlement of President Barack Obama's signature health care law.

Georgia Representative Republican Tom Price will preside over the dismantlement of President Barack Obama's signature health care law.Credit: AP

Both Price and Verma will need Senate confirmation. Congressional approval will be needed to repeal and change the health law.

In Obamacare's defence, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said it expanded coverage to millions of Americans, boosted consumer protections and shored up the finances of the Medicare program for the elderly. "We'll see if Trump care measures up," he said.

Seema Verma.

Seema Verma.

Trump said after meeting with Obama following his November 8 election victory that he would consider keeping the provisions of the healthcare law that let parents keep adult children up to age 26 on their insurance policies and that bar insurers from denying coverage to people with pre-existing medical conditions.

Price, an early Trump supporter in the US House of Representatives who leads the budget committee, has proposed a plan that would create age-based tax credits for people who buy insurance coverage on their own.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said on Tuesday the eventual congressional plan to replace Obamacare would likely have much in common with Price's ideas.

Price's plan would also roll back the 2010 law's expansion of Medicaid for low-income people, a change that helped Obamacare cut the number of uninsured Americans from 49 million in 2010 to 29 million in 2015.

Trump also vowed on the campaign trail to "save" Medicare, but Democrats said Price's plans could amount to privatising the government program for the elderly. Price has endorsed converting Medicare from a program that covers set benefits to a voucher-style program to help people buy coverage.

"I worry about Medicare. It's one of the most successful programs we have," Schumer said in a Senate hallway on Tuesday.

Democrats also criticised the pick because Price has supported barring federal funds for Planned Parenthood, which provides some abortions in addition to birth control, health exams and other services.

Any major changes to health laws would have to come from Congress, but the new administration could in the meantime choose how to enforce existing provisions, such as by expanding exemptions for employers who do not want to cover birth control, said Gretchen Borchelt of the National Women's Law Centre.


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