

This was published 19 years ago

Ukraine govt poisoned me: Yushchenko

Opposition Leader Viktor Yushchenko said he was sure he was poisoned by the Ukrainian government, and for the first time pinpointed the time and place of his dioxin poisoning.

Yushchenko said he was poisoned at a September 5 dinner with the head of the Ukrainian security service and his deputy.

"That was the only place where no-one from my team was present and no precautions were taken concerning the food," he said in an interview with The Associated Press.

"It was a project of political murder, prepared by the authorities."

A parliamentary commission that investigated Yushchenko's mysterious illness in October said he had complained of pains after meeting with security chief Ihor Smeshko and the deputy, Volodymyr Satsyuk, but it also listed other places he ate or drank that day. Smeshko promised the secret service would investigate.


Yushchenko reported having a headache about three hours after the dinner, and by the next day had an acute stomach ache.

Yushchenko told AP that Ukrainian prosecutors were looking into the case and said he was confident the culprits would be punished.

"I have no doubt that within several days or weeks, this path will lead to the authorities, to specific people representing the government - who administered the poison, who was involved, from whom the poison was procured," he said. "Who blessed it on different levels of government?"

Members of Yushchenko's campaign team had spoken of the security dinner as a possible site of the poisoning, but Yushchenko himself had until now refrained from pointing the finger at specific officials.

Speaking on other subjects, Yushchenko voiced hope that if he wins the December 26 presidential rerun, he would make efforts to turn a new page in relations with Russia, which heavily backed his rival, Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich.

At the same time, he said Ukraine would move to integrate more closely into European structures and possibly aim at an associate membership in the European Union in three to five years.

He voiced confidence that Ukraine would not split, but reaffirmed the need to punish regional officials in mostly Russian-speaking eastern provinces who had pushed for self-rule as part of their efforts to support Yanukovich.

Yushchenko warned that "provocations" allegedly being planned by his opponent could jeopardise the December 26 rerun, which the Supreme Court ordered after ruling the November 21 second-round vote fraudulent.

"There is not a 100 per cent guarantee that the election will take place," he told reporters at a news conference in the capital. "I know of provocations being prepared in the eastern regions."

Yushchenko did not elaborate on what sort of provocations could be planned.

Yushchenko has been working hard in recent days to expand his base of support from western parts of the country, where Ukrainian nationalism is strong, to the eastern areas, which have strongly backed Yanukovich.

Yanukovich's campaign manager, Taras Chornovyl, has said in the past that the prime minister's allies were prepared to go to Kiev after the rerun vote "to protect the people's choice."

He said some 300 non-governmental organisations were ready to stage street protests - but that the campaign doesn't want "conflicts and clashes."

Asked about Chornovyl's comments, Yushchenko said the position was "not constructive."

"It's an attempt by Ukraine's former prime minister to destabilise civil order and the political situation in Ukraine," he said.

"Yanukovich should be quiet - his victory will never come. I would prefer that he not torture the country."

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