

This was published 7 years ago

Slick decision? Trump's pro-Russia secretary of state pick, Rex Tillerson, signals trouble ahead

By Paul McGeough

It's easier to be hairy-chested in a tweet than to give a considered explanation of what you are about - and so, as Donald Trump recruits another Putinette to his leadership team, Americans can only wonder at what the self-declared "smart person" is up to in his pro-Russian shtick.

As recently as the weekend, the President-elect reminded the world of how smart he is. But in nominating ExxonMobil chief executive Rex Tillerson, 64, as his secretary of state, Trump doesn't come over as all that smart.

Given Trump's fawning over Vladimir Putin, it's a reasonable assumption that Trump wants to lift American economic sanctions on Russia, which would amount to a go-ahead for ExxonMobil energy deals in Russia that are worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

And given that Tillerson is hugger-mugger with Putin and his gang, even though the US sanctions have stalled some of their energy deals, it's logical, too, that one of Tillerson's first big decisions at Foggy Bottom will be to lift the sanctions.

President-elect Donald Trump: how smart is he?

President-elect Donald Trump: how smart is he?Credit: AP

At least the markets seem to think so - Russian stocks surged on news of Tillerson's nomination.

And in the post-factual Trump era, in which real news is deemed to be fake and fake news is deemed real, the multiple conflicts of interest and the tightness of the needle that Trump will have to thread to get the Senate to sign off on Tillerson's nomination, might not amount to diddly-squat.

In the course of the campaign, Trump's thoughts on Putin and Moscow, were more groupie-like than they were articulate statements of policy. And so Trump continues - he has long ridiculed claims that Russia was behind the hacking of the Democratic Party's computers, in what initially was seen as a bid by Moscow to discredit the orderly functioning of American democracy.

But when it was revealed at the weekend that the CIA has since concluded that the hackers' objective was to tip the election in Trump's favour, the President elect doubled down with nonsense: "I think that's ridiculous. I think it's just another excuse. I don't believe it. I don't know why and I think it's just - you know, they talked about all sorts of things."

Mr Putin, left, and ExxonMobil chief executive Rex Tillerson.

Mr Putin, left, and ExxonMobil chief executive Rex Tillerson.Credit: AP

Coming from Trump, we should be grateful that all of that is intelligible. But it's not very intelligent for the guy who claims he doesn't need a daily intelligence briefing.

Americans are entitled to a more considered response from Trump, despite efforts by his transition team to undermine a finding of such grave national importance - in a statement, the team dismissed the CIA as "the same people that said that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction".

The planes of US President-elect Donald J. Trump stand at LaGuardia Airport.

The planes of US President-elect Donald J. Trump stand at LaGuardia Airport.Credit: Bloomberg

He might have provided some detailed, even logical reasons for why the considered view of an intelligence agency on which he'll have to rely for the next four years, at least, should be dismissed so rudely. Instead, Trump batted it away with blather.

What's interesting is that, while Trump is supremely confident in his ability to work deals with Putin, he and members of his team are bent on destroying the credibility of an intelligence agency on which they will need to rely for global strategic assessments that they'll not find on Breitbart News or in The National Enquirer.

White House national security adviser Michael Flynn.

White House national security adviser Michael Flynn.Credit: Bloomberg

Michael Flynn, Trump's appointee as national security adviser, took a Moscow junket last year to speak at a function organised by the Kremlin-funded TV network Russia Today, during which he was seated next to Putin at an anniversary banquet.

As national security adviser, Flynn should be capable of discerning fact from fiction and of sober analysis. But this is a man who thinks Islamic law is spreading in the US; that China is a co-conspirator with ISIS against the West; that it's rational to fear Muslims; and that Hillary Clinton and other top Democrats are engaged in a pornography racket.

President-elect Donald Trump has repopulated the swamp with a different breed of reptiles.

President-elect Donald Trump has repopulated the swamp with a different breed of reptiles.Credit: AP

Sacked before the end of his term as chief of the Defence Intelligence Agency, Flynn became so combative during one of Trump's early intelligence briefings that he has to be asked to restrain himself - and he has long criticised the CIA and some of the other 16 US intelligence agencies as political pawns in the hands of the Obama administration.

Two former Trump campaign aides, Paul Manafort and Carter Page, were dropped before election day after reports of their ties to Moscow or its cronies in the former Soviet sphere - Manafort for his lobbying work with pro-Russian oligarchs in Ukraine; Page for meetings with Russian officials that fuelled rumours he was serving as a conduit between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin.

John Bolton, George W. Bush's appointee as UN ambassador who reportedly is being considered by Trump as a deputy secretary of state, made the incredible claim that perhaps the whole hacking business was a "false flag" operation by the Obama administration - that is to say, that operatives acting on orders from the Obama White House did the hacking in such a way that Russia would be blamed.

The danger for Trump is that Tillerson's appointment could become a clear-cut point of battle for Republicans who are antsy over the President-elect's obsession with Russia, but who are not getting traction in their complaining over Trump's contempt for the CIA in his dismissal of the Russian hacking claims.

Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell stood his ground on Monday, defending the CIA as "filled with selfless patriots, many of whom anonymously risk their lives for the American people".

He told reporters: "The Russians are not our friends."

Claiming that Tillerson's Putin connections were "a matter of concern", the Republicans' 2008 presidential candidate and Arizona senator John McCain told Fox News: "Vladimir Putin is a thug, a bully and a murderer, and anyone who describes him as anything else is a liar."

But McConnell stopped short of endorsing calls for a special select committee to be appointed to investigate the Russian hacking.

Significantly, perhaps, McConnell would not defend Tillerson who, as recently as 2013, received the Order of Friendship medal from Putin.

And quite apart from his buddy network, Tillerson is perceived to have a two-tiered conflict of interest. After four decades at ExxonMobil, can he separate the corporation's interests from those of the nation?

Although he's due to leave the company, he is expected to continue to hold a sizeable stake in it - currently he reportedly holds more than $US200 million in stock and his company pension plan is worth almost $US70 million.

Relying on unnamed sources, The Washington Post reported that as many as seven Republican senators might be reluctant to vote to confirm Tillerson as secretary of state - with only 52 Republican senators and as many as seven waverers among them, the Democrats might well end up blooding Trump's nose should they decide to take a stand against Tillerson.


Tillerson reportedly has strong Republican establishment backers - including James Baker, who was secretary of state in the first Bush presidency; Robert Gates, who was defence secretary under the second Bush and Obama; Condoleezza Rice and Dick Cheney.

Steve Coll, author of Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power, writes in The New Yorker: "[Trump would be giving] the State Department to a man who has worked his whole life running a parallel, quasi state, for the benefit of shareholders, fashioning relationships with foreign leaders that may or may not conform to the interests of the US … The goal of ExxonMobil's independent foreign policy has been to promote a world that is good for oil and gas production."

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