

This was published 8 years ago

Senior Islamic State commander killed in US air strike


Washington: The United States has killed a top Islamic State leader in Syria who was believed to be in line to lead the terrorist group, US Defence Secretary Ash Carter said on Friday.

Mr Carter identified the senior IS leader as Haji Imam and described him as the group's finance minister. He said he was a "well-known terrorist" who had a hand in terrorist plots outside of Iraq and Syria.

US officials said Imam, whose real name is believed to have been Abd al-Rahman Mustafa al-Qaduli, held a series of high-level Islamic State roles, and was part of a leadership core that traces back to the organisation's emergence as an al-Qaeda affiliate after the US invasion of Iraq.

Terrorism experts have long regarded Imam as an elder statesman of the terrorist group. The Mosul native, believed to have been about 57 years of age, had been one of the few surviving links to the Abu Musab al-Zarqawi era, when al-Qaeda in Iraq soared to prominence as a leader of the anti-US insurgency in Iraq.

US Defence Secretary Ash Carter says Islamic State's leaders are being targeted.

US Defence Secretary Ash Carter says Islamic State's leaders are being targeted.Credit: AP

Zarqawi, a Jordanian operative known for his brutal tactics, was head of the al-Qaeda franchise in Iraq until he was killed in a US airstrike in 2006.

US officials stopped short of describing Imam as No. 2 in the organisation, saying that he held a variety of important positions, but remained largely behind the scenes. He did not have the high public profile of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi or Abu Mohammad al-Adnani, who functions as the group's spokesman.

Imam is believed to have been killed in a US air strike, but Mr Carter did not say whether he was killed in Syria or Iraq.

Appearing at the news conference with Mr Carter, General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said there has been no fundamental shift in the US approach in Iraq, and he said efforts were under way to accelerate the campaign.

Syrian government soldiers at the entrance of Palmyra on Thursday.

Syrian government soldiers at the entrance of Palmyra on Thursday. Credit: SANA

The US military has killed numerous Islamic State leaders in recent months.

Earlier this month the Pentagon said it killed Omar al-Shishani, described as the Islamic State's "minister of war," in an air strike in Syria. In November, the Pentagon said an air strike in Libya killed Abu Nabil, another top IS leader.

Islamic State leader Haji Imam, also known as Abd al-Rahman Mustafa al-Qaduli, is believed to have been killed in a US air strike.

Islamic State leader Haji Imam, also known as Abd al-Rahman Mustafa al-Qaduli, is believed to have been killed in a US air strike.

"Leaders can be replaced. However, these leaders have been around for a long time. They are senior, they are experienced," Mr Carter told a Pentagon news conference.

A news agency that supports Islamic State has, however, denied that al-Shishani, also known as the Chechen, had been killed or wounded.

Earlier this year, a special unit of US commandos tasked with identifying, capturing and killing Islamic States leaders arrived in Iraq and began working closely with local forces there.

A similar group of US special forces in Syria has been working alongside rebel groups for several months.

Islamic State loses Palmyra to Syrian rebels

Meanwhile, Syrian soldiers have recaptured the old citadel of Palmyra from Islamic State, state media and a monitoring group say, in an offensive which could open up much of eastern Syria to government forces.

The recapture of Palmyra, which the Islamist militants seized in May 2015, would mark the biggest single gain for President Bashar al-Assad since Russia intervened in September and turned the tide of the five-year conflict in his favour.

Palmyra is the site of some of the most extensive ruins of the ancient Roman empire, and temples and tombs were destroyed by Islamic State fighters in what the United Nations has described as a war crime.

The city controls routes east into the heartland of territory held by the militants, who have proclaimed a "caliphate" to rule over all Muslims from swathes of Syria and Iraq.

The scale of Friday's fighting reflected how much of a strategic prize the city represents, with jets launching dozens of air strikes and soldiers firing mortar barrages, while Islamic State fighters hit back with two car bombings.

Russian warplanes have supported the Syrian army and its allies as they push their offensive on the desert city.

Beirut-based television channel Al-Mayadeen showed a low-flying jet carry out three air strikes against what it said were Islamic State fighters withdrawing from the old citadel back into Palmyra.

State television later quoted military sources saying government forces had seized the citadel, located above the ancient ruins.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights confirmed the citadel had been captured.

A ceasefire backed by the US and Russia covers most of Syria but not areas held by Islamic State. The first truce of its kind since war began five years ago has been accompanied this month by the first peace talks attended by Assad's government and most of the groups opposed to him.

Moscow is the main ally of Assad's government, while Washington and other Western countries have backed foes trying to overthrow him during five years of civil war that has killed 250,000 people and led to the world's worst refugee crisis.

Islamic State this week claimed credit for the bombings in Brussels that killed 31 people and injured scores.

Reuters, New York Times

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