

This was published 8 years ago

San Bernardino shooting: Attack hits a city already broken, beleaguered and bankrupt

By Julie Power

Is this the last straw for a city already down - way down - on its luck?

When the shooters arrived at San Bernardino's enormous and publicly-funded Inland Regional Centre for adults and children with disabilities, they were attacking a facility that catered for some of the most vulnerable people in one of the most vulnerable parts of California.

The city, which officially declared bankruptcy three years ago, has been struggling to bounce back.

The largest county in the contiguous United States, San Bernardino - known to locals as "Berdoo" - has high levels of household debt, foreclosures and three decades of drug epidemics.

San Bernardino police officers in SWAT gear secure the scene of a mass shooting.

San Bernardino police officers in SWAT gear secure the scene of a mass shooting.Credit: Los Angeles Times

"It was once a blue-collar, middle-class town, sustained by rail yards, an air base, a steel mill and sprawling orange groves," reported the Los Angeles Times last month in a series on struggling cities.

"Today, it's the poorest city of its size in the state, riddled with shuttered buildings and burned-out homes. It is mired in ... bankruptcy and its third decade of a meth epidemic. Few residents can find good jobs and 91 per cent of the city's public school children live in poverty."

Waves of foreclosures have turned family-owned homes into cheap rentals, fraying the fibres of the two million-plus community, reported the Los Angeles Times in the feature, A city broken down but not destroyed.


Headlines like these are common, along with others such as, What it's like when your city goes broke.

San Bernardino has high levels of household debt, foreclosures and three decades of drug epidemics

San Bernardino has high levels of household debt, foreclosures and three decades of drug epidemicsCredit: San Bernardino County

According to the US Census, about19 per cent of residents live below the poverty line, nearly three per cent higher than the rest of the state of California. Household income is lower, homes are worth about half as much as the state's average, and fewer people have finished school or gone to university than anywhere else.

According to a recent report by the county, more than half (51 per cent) of San Bernardino County residents are Latino, and 31 per cent are white.

The Inland Regional Centre, where an estimated 14 people were killed, is a nonprofit - funded by the State of California - but operated by a private contractor to coordinate services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities.

A few months ago, the Mayor, R Carey Davis, said the city was still in transition, still trying to recover from the impact of bankruptcy.

"We will, I believe, be a different city when we emerge (from bankruptcy protection), from the perceptions of the city as well as those that look at the city,' he said. "We're still in the transition, and I think we're going to be there for a while."

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