

This was published 14 years ago

Prayers, tear gas and terror

After four days at sea, our correspondents witnessed the Israeli assault on the Gaza flotilla.

By Paul McGeough
  • Winner of the 2010 Walkley Award for best print news report

The Israeli attack was timed for dawn prayers – when a good number of the men aboard the Mavi Marmara were praying on the aft deck of the big Turkish passenger ferry, as it motored steadily through international waters in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.

The call to prayer could be heard across the water – haunting chords made tinny by the ship's PA system, yet haunting enough amid tension sparked several hours earlier when the six ships' captains in the Free Gaza Flotilla rejected a demand radioed by the Israeli navy – change course away from the Gaza Strip or be confronted with lethal force.

The photographs that got away  ... Israeli commandos board the Mavi Marmar.

The photographs that got away ... Israeli commandos board the Mavi Marmar.Credit: Kate Geraghty

Pacing the Mavi Marmara at a steady 8 knots and just 150 metres to its port side, we were aboard the 25-metre Challenger One, the fastest but also the smallest boat in the flotilla. It was a front-row seat for the opening to Israel's Operation Sky Wind which, despite confident predictions by a gallery of Israeli officials, was about to go horribly wrong.

In the blackness before the rising of a burnt-orange moon, all that could be seen of the Israelis around us were pinpoints of light, as warships sitting a kilometre or more each side of the flotilla inched in – seemingly to squeeze the Gaza-bound humanitarian convoy.

Israeli commandos are met by angry protesters wielding weapons.

Israeli commandos are met by angry protesters wielding weapons.Credit: Kate Geraghty

Then, the tightening noose. Sneaking up and around every boat, there were bullet-shaped hulks which soon became impossible to hide as the moonlight made fluorescent tubes of their roiling wakes. First one, then two and maybe four could be seen sneaking in from the rear.

They hunted like hyenas – moving up and ahead on the flanks; pushing in, then peeling away; and finally, lagging before lunging. But as they came alongside the Mavi Marmara, the dozen or so helmeted commandos in each assault craft copped the full force of the ferry's fire hoses and a shower of whatever its passengers found on deck or could break from the ship's fittings.

Suddenly sound bombs and tear gas were exploding on the main aft deck, where prayers were held five times a day. The life-jacketed passengers on the rails at first seemed oblivious as those behind them donned the few gas masks that were on board and others, wearing asbestos gloves, sought to grab the devices and hurl them back at the Israeli commandos before they exploded.


In failing to get their grappling irons to hold on the rails of the five-deck ferry, the commandos in their Zodiac-style assault craft continued to be an irritant, or perhaps a decoy because at this point the Israelis opted for a critical change of plan – if they could not come up from the water, they would have to drop from the sky.

Israeli commandos board the Mavi Marmara and are met by angry protesters wielding weapons.

Israeli commandos board the Mavi Marmara and are met by angry protesters wielding weapons.Credit: Kate Geraghty

On hearing the machines, activists on the upper decks rushed to the top level of the ship – grabbing the commandos even before they landed, disarming them; beating them until, according to some who were present, leaders demanded the Israelis not be harmed; but in one case, one of the Israelis was hurled from one deck of the ship to the next.

The death toll stands at nine of the ship's activists and maybe 30 injured – and there were claims from some on the ship that some of their comrades were missing, unaccounted for since the battle at sea and the chaotic arrest and deportation by Israel of the estimated 700 activists aboard the six vessels.

Four of the ships carried 10,000 tonnes of emergency supplies for Gaza, which Israel has kept under blockade since 2006 when Hamas won electoral control of the Palestinian Occupied Territories. A year later Hamas retained control of Gaza in the face of an Israeli- and US-backed bid to oust the Islamist movement from power.

The flotilla drew on funds from NGOs in Turkey, Malaysia, Ireland, Algeria, Kuwait, Greece and Sweden.

The international coalition of Palestinian support groups is determined to prove the Israeli blockade of Gaza is a Western-backed exercise in collective punishment – something that will be maintained until Gazans turn on Hamas. Jerusalem claims it is vital to Israel's security.

As distress flares launched from the ship cut through the steel-beam spotlights on Israeli helicopters hovering overhead, the first Israeli commandos who slithered down ropes from the choppers were easy pickings for the waiting activists.

At this stage, Challenger One's British skipper, Dennis Healey, opted to gun the engines, hoping to break from the Israelis swarming the rest of the flotilla.

The following account of what happened on the decks of the Mavi Marmara is based on interviews with activists while they and the Herald news crew, which accompanied the flotilla as non-participating observers, were held in an Israeli prison for more than two days. People were also interviewed on Wednesday on board one of three aircraft sent to Israel by the Turkish government to ferry all the near-700 captured activists to a rousing 4am reception by tens of thousands of cheering Turks at Istanbul's airport.

There were conflicting accounts of the first commando landing – some activists said he was injured and was being carried inside the ship for treatment by the flotilla doctors. However, a Serbian cameraman, Srojan Stojiljkovic, said some of the activists had armed themselves with lengths of chain and metal posts that had served as cordons around the ship's lifeboats.

"Some of the people caught the first commando before he touched the deck – a few started to hit him, but a lot of people moved in to shelter him with their bodies," the cameraman said. "Another soldier with a bleeding nose was brought in ... a few people threw punches, but not as many as I would have expected."

Matthias Gardel, a leader of the Swedish Palestinian support group, confirmed the soldiers had been beaten, but insisted those involved were unarmed and in keeping with the ship's non-violent charter, the soldiers' weapons were thrown overboard.

Soon after the soldiers had been treated, injured and dead from among the boat's passengers were brought in. Stojiljkovic said: "Some were not badly wounded, but then a guy was brought in with a point-blank shot between his eyes – he was dead and I was told that another person was killed in the same way."

The Turkish actor Sinan Albayrak said he had witnessed one of the most senior of the Turkish activists ordering passengers to cease beating two of the Israeli soldiers.

Later, he saw a Turkish photographer who had been shot in the back of the head; while he and others had been attempting to assist another injured activist, "Israeli troops had opened fire on them . . . we ran away from the injured man".

Gardel said the bulk of the passengers had remained in the second-deck saloons and had not been involved in resisting the Israelis –"but a bunch of people tried to protect the bridge, the engine-room and the point from which we streamed the live video".

Another activist, a Turk, lifted his shirt to reveal 10 puncture marks in a rough and black-bruised circle, about the circumferences of a teacup. He said the marks were inflicted when he was bitten by an Israeli security dog – while he had been assisting the Israelis by acting as a translator.

The dead include a Turkish journalist, Chetin Genghis, whose head wounds suggested he had been shot from above – possibly from one of the helicopters. After witnessing his dying moments, his colleague Hisham Goruney said:"I want to forget – I still don't believe that I saw it."

Another of the dead was said to be an Indonesian cameraman, Sura Fachrizaz, shot in the chest. Also among the dead was a Malaysian doctor who, activists said, was shot while treating the wounded.

It took the Israelis about 85 minutes to capture the Mavi Marmara.


As the 100-plus reporters and other media workers on board followed orders to return to the ship's press room after being told by the captain his vessel now was under Israeli control, many were crestfallen by the sense an Israeli blanket of "white-noise" had prevented them from getting the story out.

But then someone flicked the switch on a big flat-screen TV on the wall. It burst into life with a Turkish channel, running the live-feed video which the ship had been transmitting to websites run by the Free Gaza Movement and the flotilla's other sponsors – it was scenes of the Israeli takeover of the Mavi Marmara. A resounding cheer went up.

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