

This was published 4 years ago


Turning the disgraced into war heroes

Hate the war, love the war criminal. That seems to be the mantra guiding President Donald Trump’s foreign policy late in his first term.

Last week, he restored the rank of disgraced navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher and pardoned two other soldiers convicted of war crimes.

Conflict with military leadership over the President's actions led to the resignation (or firing – in the Trump era, these things are never really clear) of the secretary of the navy, and growing frustration among military leaders who worry that the presidential intervention will undermine order in the ranks.

Navy Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher.

Navy Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher.Credit: AP

Some political observers have expressed surprise at Trump's indifference to war crimes. After all, this is the same Trump dubbed "Donald the Dove" in 2016 by former presidential speechwriter Maureen Dowd, who noted that while Hillary Clinton voted to authorise the war in Iraq, Trump regularly denounced it.

Look more closely at the war-crimes cases, however, and you see that they are less a function of Trump’s foreign policy than his cruelty-centred jingoist populism, which has proven to be the defining feature of his presidency.

Gallagher has been credibly accused by fellow members of the military of gleefully killing civilians during his tour in Afghanistan. Some irregularities in the trial – including witness intimidation and surprise testimony that fell apart after the trial finished – meant Gallagher was not convicted of war crimes. But he was demoted for posing with the dead body of a teenage boy he had killed.

It is highly unusual for a president to intercede in the case of a demotion. Indeed, such actions rarely gain the White House's notice. But Gallagher and his defenders were regulars on Fox News, where they directly appealed to the cable-news-loving President. Pete Hesgeth, a veteran and Fox News commentator, reportedly lobbied Trump behind the scenes.

Gallagher wasn't the only person Trump rescued from accusation of war crimes. Clint Lorance, convicted of murdering three Afghans, received a full pardon – as did Mathew Golsteyn, who was about to go on trial on similar charges.

The pardons are of a piece with Trump's foreign policy. Not because he is a dove who feels soldiers were caught up in a war they should never have been sent to fight – he supported the wars in their early days, and has not ended the war in Afghanistan – but because he is a nationalist who believes there should be no restraints on American warfare. In fact, one of his first acts as President was to change the rules of engagement for US troops in ways that more than doubled civilian casualties.


But to view the war-crimes pardons as a function of foreign policy is to narrow the scope too much. Across the US military and law enforcement, Trump has called for fewer restraints on force.

In 2017, he told police officers "please don't be too nice" to the people they arrest, suggesting they rough up suspects a little more.

And when he sent troops to the southern border last year, he changed the rules of engagement, telling them that in conflicts with migrants: "If they want to throw rocks at our military, our military fights back. I told them to consider it [a rock] a rifle."

That escalation of force at the border came as no surprise. Trump had long urged cruelty toward migrants – from the new family-separation policy to the pardon of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who instituted an infamous regime of racial profiling and migrant torture and degradation in Arizona.

These cruelties that run through Trump's pardons and policies are a feature, not a bug. Even now, his re-election campaign is floating the idea of bringing Eddie Gallagher on the campaign trail to celebrate not just his pardon but the atrocities he committed while in Afghanistan.

And that's the difference between Trump and presidents who have intervened in military justice in the past. George Washington pardoned soldiers convicted of treason during the Whiskey Rebellion. Abraham Lincoln pardoned deserters during the Civil War. Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter granted amnesty to draft resisters who escaped service in Vietnam. But none of them did what Trump is doing: turning war criminals into war heroes.


That inversion is a defining characteristic of the Trump presidency. And while we don't yet know its full cost, there is little doubt that it will be harrowing. Because if up is down – if lies are truth, if cowardice is bravery, if scandal is honour – then what will be the grounds upon which a set of shared national values can ever be built?

The US – a nation that has always been far from perfect – offered a set of political and ethical ideals that, even in the breach, have mattered to world history. What is left of that? What of that can ever be recovered?

And who will fill the void left behind?

With China engaged in a massive ethnic-cleansing campaign and Russia devolving into territory-hungry dictatorship, there are few nations vying to take up the mantle of democracy and rule of law as the US abandons them. But someone must, or those staples of freedom will become relics of a lost age.

Nicole Hemmer is Associate Research Scholar at the Obama Presidency Oral History Project, Columbia University, New York.

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