

This was published 3 years ago

The US doesn't 'do left': Readers respond to Switzer's Biden concerns

By Lissa Christopher

Tom Switzer, executive director at the Centre for Independent Studies and ABC Radio National presenter, didn’t make many new friends among readers of The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age with his opinion piece about what he sees as the worrying potential for the United States to “lurch left” if Joe Biden and the Democrats win the US election on November 4 Australian time.

The polls have Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden on track to win the election.

The polls have Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden on track to win the election.Credit: AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

The following paragraph proved particularly provocative to many of our readers.

“Witness the Democratic Party's attacks on market capitalism, its critique of America as irredeemably racist, its religious devotion to zero emissions, its commitment to stacking the courts with politically activist judges, and its support for identity politics … .”

Flippered: "'Religious devotion to zero emissions' - it is basic common sense to aim for net zero emissions. It is an aim that any educated adult would get behind."

Skeg: "Attacks on capitalism? Sorry the US is the last place in the world where capitalism will struggle to exist. Racism, the US has deep and self-evident issues with [race] (along with the rest of the world). Devotion to zero emissions - trying to reduce environmental impact is bad? And who's stacking the courts?"

Middle aged balding white man: "As for court stackin’ - have you been paying attention? The Republicans blocked all of Obama’s nominations and then stacked all they could."

patrick.j.allan: "The writer seems to think that addressing climate disaster, protecting the poor, maintaining health coverage and recognising the systemic racism in the US are things that should frighten America's middle class, however it is those things that can be argued [are] the root cause of the disintegration of US democracy. What we see play out is the barren endgame of extreme conservatism."

Quite a few readers also took issue with Switzer's portrayal of Biden and the Democrats as left-wing, claiming the US doesn't "do left" as they understand it.

Havelock Road: "In so far as policy goes, many do not understand that the Democrats are more akin to the LNP than Labor. The US just does not do 'left'."


Our North America correspondent Matthew Knott, who has been following the election closely, sent through this message from his busy post on the front lines: "I don't think it's true to say the US doesn't 'do left'. In fact, it's possible to argue the US is a centre-left country. Democrats have won the popular vote in six of the past seven presidential elections. States such as California and Massachusetts were ahead of Australia on issues like legalising same-sex marriage and recreational marijuana. There are certainly a higher proportion of conservative Christian voters than there are in Australia. More than left or right, America is deeply polarised between these two extremes."

Lucylu: "Left in US would be considered centre-right in any other country. For example, most non-Americans are nonplussed at US citizens labelling universal healthcare socialism."

Frankly Mydear: "Ridiculous that the Democratic Party is portrayed as left-wing. America is a corporation, under Biden or Harris or any other Democratic president it will be business as usual. That means economic imperialism, the military-industrial complex starting wars for economic reasons, and continued transfer of wealth to the already wealthy and powerful.

Economists are warning instability will remain regardless of whether Biden or Trump wins the election.

Economists are warning instability will remain regardless of whether Biden or Trump wins the election.Credit: AP

Peter Ronald: "The Democratic Party has proven itself to be (by Australian standards) a kind of conservative-lite. It is merely the party of the mild, well-educated, moneyed elite.

Trump attracted a few supportive comments from our readers, some of which were conditional.

InvoExile: "Rude and terrible as Trump can be, a disjointed messy Democrat leadership with a far-left lean would be a worse outcome … If the Democrats win everything and pursue the California left ideals, it will tear the country apart."

MoeyDW2170: "People love to complain about Trump's demeanour and failures, but which failures exactly? Being the first president in 39 years to not attack a country?"

While quite a few readers expressed enthusiasm about the prospect of Trump being defeated and some were unconcerned about the idea of a lurch to the left, there was a notable vein of pessimism about the future of the US regardless of who wins. Not everyone is convinced Trump will lose, either.

Craig French: "Trump’s presidency … has mortally wounded the [Republican Party]. It is not the prospect of the US lurching to the left that troubles me ... it is lack of an effective opposition that can critique the President and their administration, and present a sensible conservative agenda."

Gough Whitlam's ghost: "I find it bizarre people are trying to argue Biden isn't lurching to left. He clearly is. In the case of the US, it is needed, so why pretend he isn't?"

Astroboy: "If the Democratic Party is lurching to the left, it is partly a response to the [Republican Party] veering to the right. This is the problem when one party courts the extreme. There is inevitably an over-correction which then leaves us in the worse position than if both parties had been mature enough to stick to arguing their positions either side of a sensible centre."

RGG: "With Trump gone, the USA can only be a better place."

Tonykite: "Democrats + Republican = one America. The former fixes the wrongs done by the latter taking it in turn every 4 or 8 years. Both are dangerous organisations in world history … Biden or Trump? Very grim outlook for the world in this pandemic era."

Gymealad: "No matter who wins in November, the US remains a divided society politically, racially, socially and economically. Trade imbalances with an increasingly belligerent China remain unsolved issues. Topping the list is the coronavirus pandemic. Do the Democrats led by wishy-washy Biden have the firepower to deal with this or is another four years of orange man going to make things worse? The devil's choice."

Mikey from the West: "The Democrats are complete hypocrites and economic amateurs. Trump is a buffoon. US is in deep trouble and national decline. Quite sad."

Jack Kipling: "[The US will] stagger on with a Biden-Harris administration, offend fewer countries and people. But like China, its relationship with the rest of the planet has changed. America will experience fewer invites, [be] dismissed more often and left more to its own devices, no longer centre of attention. Thanks for small kindnesses."

Jerry: "I wouldn't write Trump's re-election chances off. He has been working hard to undermine the trust in the electoral system (in particular mail-in votes) … I fear four more years of Trump is still a very real and dangerous possibility, here's hoping I am wrong!"

Our correspondent Matthew Knott, however, says Biden remains a strong favourite.

"Donald Trump is an underdog with a slim potential path to victory. Biden's double-digit lead in the polls has come off the boil to a more realistic seven points; the race is much tighter in the states that matter most. But time is running out for Trump to make up ground and many of his interventions - like attacking Dr Anthony Fauci - are only making things worse."

If you want to receive Matthew Knott's expert analysis of the race to the White House each week you can sign up to our Trump Biden 2020 newsletter for The Sydney Morning Herald here and The Age here.

And Matthew will be joined by senior journalist Farrah Tomazin and former US correspondent Nick O'Malley for a virtual discussion on the White House race. The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald subscribers can register for this free and exclusive online event to be held on Thursday, October 29 at 1pm.

Online readers of The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age made 55,958 comments on 603 stories in the past week.

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