

This was published 4 years ago


Pitting the states against the nation is accelerating the US crisis

Desperately low on medical supplies, state governors in the United States have been clamouring for equipment held in the federal stockpile. In response, Jared Kushner – the President's son-in-law, whose portfolio includes Middle East peace negotiations, criminal justice reform and a shadow pandemic taskforce – made a startling claim: "The notion of the federal stockpile was it's supposed to be our stockpile. It's not supposed to be states' stockpiles that they then use."

President Donald Trump speaks during a briefing at the White House on Saturday in Washington.

President Donald Trump speaks during a briefing at the White House on Saturday in Washington.Credit: AP

This is, of course, nonsense. But it's illuminating nonsense. President Donald Trump has in recent days turned the war against COVID-19 into a war against the states, in a desperate effort to shirk responsibility for his pandemic denialism. In doing so, he has abandoned the core responsibility of the presidency, exacerbating political fractures that not only bode ill for the health of Americans but the health of the country as a whole.


Two weeks ago, Trump was asked about the disastrous federal response to the pandemic. His answer: "I don't take responsibility at all." It was a spot-on summary of his governing philosophy. Still, it took another week or so for him to land on who, exactly, should be held responsible. After easing off his attacks on China, he focused instead on Democratic governors in Washington, New York and Michigan, all of whom were fighting deadly outbreaks in their largest cities.

Hurling insults at governors battling a pandemic is obscene enough, but Trump went further. Not only did he refuse to talk to the governors, but he has put in place a set of policies that mean, ultimately, the states are on their own. By hoarding the federal stockpile and leaving states to bid against one another for supplies the federal COVID-19 policy has accelerated the national crisis.

One example of how this policy works in practice is Project Airbridge, an effort to get personal protective equipment medical professionals rely on and ventilators to the states. It's a partnership between the federal government and private industry. The first flight, funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, landed on March 30 with 80 tonnes of equipment. So far, so good.


But rather than going to the state government, the majority of the protective equipment goes to private companies for purchase. As a result, states end up bidding against one another, driving up the price and ensuring equipment goes to the highest bidder, not the states most in need. When asked about the decision to run much-needed supplies through the market, the admiral in charge of the operation said simply, "That's normally how things work."

We are not, however, in normal times. Forcing states to bid against one another, rather than having the federal government take charge, has an immediate impact on the pandemic. Without equipment, hospital workers get ill, the virus spreads and lives that could have been saved are lost.


Those are the most horrific consequences, but there are longer-term costs as well. Little of the $2.2 trillion package passed through Congress goes to help state governments, which are slowly being crippled by the crisis. Paying for medical equipment on top of millions of new unemployment claims and Medicaid coverage means state budgets are collapsing. Because states don't have the same kind of borrowing power as the federal government, they will soon have to turn to austerity politics.

What does that mean? Lay-offs for state workers, cuts to state contracts, slashes to state services. Schools will be poorer, including state universities that have not fully recovered from the austerity imposed during the global financial crisis. Tuitions will skyrocket as course offerings decline, creating fewer opportunities for low-income students to get a college degree.

As a result, Trump's repeated promise that the economy will come roaring back when the virus disappears will be broken on the shoals of the states.

This does not need to happen. Indeed, the every-state-for-itself approach, though previewed in the slashes to social security systems in the past few decades, has never been used for a national emergency. Even in localised crises like hurricanes or terror attacks, the federal government steps in with aid to save lives, rebuild communities and set localities back in motion.

The government does so because people understand that the nation's strength derives from the health and security of its people. At an even more basic level, people understand that the federal government exists to provide for the safety and wellbeing of the people, regardless of where in its borders they reside.

But while most Americans understand that, Donald Trump does not. He sees the federal government quite differently: as an entity that serves his will and his interests.

Need one more example? As the nation continues to face a deadly shortage of COVID-19 tests, the President is barricaded in the White House, where every person who wishes to speak with him in person must first get a rapid-test to ensure they do not have the virus. So long as his health and his political fortunes are protected, he considers his duties as President discharged.

As for the rest of Americans? They're on their own.

Nicole Hemmer is an associate research scholar at the Obama Presidency Oral History Project, Columbia University.

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