

This was published 3 years ago


How September 11 ushered in an age of panic

In the 1990s, Americans grew used to winning. The Soviet Union had collapsed, China wanted to join the US-led order, the US could pick and choose its wars, its economy boomed. The great crisis of the republic stemmed from Bill Clinton’s sex drive.

September 11, 2001 changed all that. A “ boom” was replaced by a “war on terror”. What had been a discrete if perpetual problem – angry young men killing powerful older ones – now took on the contours of a global struggle. Terrorists were everywhere and who knew quite what capacity they had to harm us?

A fiery blast rocks the World Trade Centre after being hit by a plane on September 11, 2001.

A fiery blast rocks the World Trade Centre after being hit by a plane on September 11, 2001.Credit: Getty Images

This war, unlike the interventions of the 1990s, had fronts, most obviously in Afghanistan and Iraq, but also in the American psyche. 9/11 created a home front where every citizen could play their part in watching for, and exaggerating thereby, the looming threat; the internet sold emergency parachutes for high-rise office workers; neighbour snitched on neighbour.

Panic and fear began to inform political discourse and, as social media grew in reach if not in wisdom, exaggeration for the purpose of influence increased. The war on terrorism, on carbon dioxide, on loose credit, on COVID-19 – all morphed into existential struggles demanding political and cultural obedience. To paraphrase George W. Bush, “You are with us or you are with the enemy.”

Zero tolerance, zero emissions, COVID zero – as targets of public policy, these all had their origin at Ground Zero. It was in that hellish landscape that politicians and bureaucrats, of left and right, felt the full force of their failure. Half-measures to realise safety – exposed on September 11 – were replaced by a form of absolutism and an obsession with root causes.

Common to all, because of 9/11, was the designation of the threat as systemic. The requirement for government action increased. Climate change and social justice – great causes of what are becoming a Third Great Awakening – were especially, though not uniquely, subject to this panic syndrome. 9/11 catalysed them.

Former President George W. Bush and former Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld in 2008.

Former President George W. Bush and former Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld in 2008.Credit: AP Photo

In top-down initiatives from wars to climate treaties, from diversity training to speech codes, the threat was invariably presented as being at fever pitch and rooted in deep patterns of oppression, from Saddam’s Iraq to the university campus – locations which, it turned out, were mostly free of the iniquities levelled at them.


What we know now, of course, is that the 9/11 attacks were a flash in the pan. But the enormous expansion in the apparatus of the security state and its accompanying psychology of fear begun by them was not.

Those who came to power in the decades after 9/11 sustained this sense of panic. From Australian state premiers, in their early 30s in 2001, to US presidents, leaders in the age of panic invariably claimed more powers, not fewer, and advanced government solutions to systematic problems.

What could save us from terrorism? The Patriot Act and war on Iraq. From climate change? International treaties. From social injustice? Social engineering. From COVID-19? Perpetual “snap” lockdowns.

Faced with global anything, individual action was not enough. Rather, in the 9/11 era a big, systematic response was necessary to defeat a big, systemic threat. An irony of this psychological shift was that the 9/11 attacks demonstrated the best of individuals and the redundancy of big government. The heroes that morning were firefighters, cops, passengers and office workers. The federal government was missing in action.

What 9/11 did was contradictory. It made people hypersensitive to threats but reduced their agency as a way of countering them. Individual initiative was replaced by government regulation, common sense by catastrophism. From terrorism to COVID-19, people demanded government to bail them out; in the global financial crisis of 2007-’09, government did just that.

Some crises, of course, mattered more than others. But in the 9/11 era, people and their leaders lost a capacity for discrimination between them. Because that terrorist threat was missed, because it was not imagined, they let their subsequent imaginations run wild – everything threatened mankind in the decades after al-Qaeda’s attack. The result was a public polarised between a majority clamorous for government protection and a minority who simply switched off.


If we were to look back at this time in 100 years, we may realise that the age of panic was just that: a moment in world history when power came from the articulation of threats that were much less severe than people were prepared and allowed to admit.

Terrorism turned out not to be all and everywhere, but an annoyingly persistent tactic of a fading ideology – a flickering candle not a gathering storm.

Timothy J. Lynch is professor in American politics at the University of Melbourne.

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