


Georgia on my mind: why is the state key to Biden's first-term agenda?

There are already more elections coming up in the States – and the stakes are extremely high. Who's up for election this time? And how could the results change the course of history?


United States President-elect Joe Biden says voters have given him a "mandate for action" to address the nation's problems: COVID-19, the economy, climate change, systemic racism.

But the amount of power Biden will have to implement his first-term agenda will inevitably depend on the make-up of the new Senate, which now comes down to one key battleground: Georgia.

As of Friday (AEDT), Biden is the first Democrat to win the Georgia presidential race since 1992, thanks in large part to grassroots activists such as Stacey Abrams, who mobilised record numbers of voters across the state.

But on January 5, Georgia will come under the spotlight again, holding two special "run-off" elections that will determine who controls the all-important Senate.

Democrats and Republicans are now flocking to the Deep South to campaign in what is expected to be one of the most expensive run-offs in US history.

So, who's involved in this contest? What's at stake? And what is a run-off?

President-elect Joe Biden.

President-elect Joe Biden.Credit: AP


Why does Georgia need more elections?

Consider the run-offs a rematch. Biden won the state of Georgia after a recount.

But voters in Georgia weren't asked to pick just a president in November's election, they were also asked to choose who should represent them in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Democrats retained control of the House, but in the Senate, Republicans hold a narrow majority of 50 seats to 48.

However, there are still two Senate places undecided – and both belong to Georgia. That's because none of the candidates on the ballot there received the absolute majority required to win. Under the state's law, if Senate candidates can’t secure at least 50 per cent of the vote, then the top two contenders have to face off again.

Georgia is the only state where a run-off has been needed after the November election.

The first run-off involves Republican incumbent David Perdue, a former businessman and staunch Trump ally, who will take on documentary filmmaker and Democrat challenger Jon Ossoff.


The second contest is between Republican senator Kelly Loeffler, a millionaire businesswoman, and her Democrat rival, Raphael Warnock, a Baptist church pastor in Atlanta.

If both Democrats win their races in Georgia, the Senate will be split 50-50, with the US constitution allowing Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris to cast the deciding vote during any deadlocks that may arise in votes on legislation.

But if just one of the two Republican candidates wins, then Republicans will retain control of the chamber.

What’s on the line?

Biden's policy agenda, his judicial nominations and perhaps even some cabinet confirmations are at stake.

With Democrats narrowly holding on to the House of Representatives, but without control of the Senate, some of Biden’s more contentious plans are likely to struggle.


Most laws in the US have to be approved by a simple majority, but the more contentious ones typically require 60 Senate votes to end debate and move to a final vote and avoid a filibuster (a tactic of dragging out debate to stop a decision being made). A new president's choice of cabinet – the heads of the 15 executive departments – is also voted on by the Senate.

Among Biden's election policies are new taxes for the wealthy, which he is relying on to generate trillions of dollars to pay for things such as infrastructure projects and programs to reduce the cost of tertiary degrees.


Biden's ambitious climate change reforms – which involve spending more than $US2 trillion ($2.74 trillion) to shift the US from fossil fuels to clean energy and green jobs – would also be thrown into doubt, despite his Kevin Rudd-like warning that climate change is "the No.1 issue facing humanity".

And his planned expansion of the Affordable Care Act, which would give people access to a public health insurance option such as Medicare, would most certainly fall by the wayside, as Republicans have made no secret of their desire to repeal the law, popularly known as "Obamacare".

An early test for Biden will be his cabinet nominations, which some Democrats fear the Republicans could thwart with time-consuming procedural hurdles.

If Republicans wanted to play hardball, they could also obstruct Biden’s future court picks – just as current Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell famously blocked Barack Obama's Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland.


Some Democrats, such as Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy, fear the worst. "Mitch McConnell will force Joe Biden to negotiate every single cabinet secretary, every single district court judge, every single US attorney with him," he said. "My guess is we'll have a constitutional crisis pretty immediately."

Is Biden's agenda effectively dead if Democrats don’t win?

Not quite, as there are still things the new President can and will do to push through reforms.

Firstly, Biden is expected to use executive orders to repeal some of Donald Trump's decisions. These are signed and written orders that give a president authority to take action without the need for legislation to pass through Congress.

Executive orders are expected to be used to rejoin the Paris climate accord; repeal the ban on travel from some Muslim-majority countries, and reinstate the controversial “DREAMers” program which allows people who were brought into the US illegally as children to remain in the country.

But not every change can be made by executive order. In order to pass laws, Democrats would need to woo centrist Republicans who have shown a willingness to work across the aisle, such as Alaska senator Lisa Murkowski or Maine senator Susan Collins.

Biden could also seek to negotiate with McConnell himself, as he has done in the past: in 2013, for instance, the pair negotiated the so-called “fiscal cliff” tax deal, which involved a tax increase on higher-income earners in exchange for renewing most of the 2001 Bush administration tax cuts.


The pair have an interesting relationship: in 2015, McConnell was the only Senate Republican to attend the funeral of Biden's son, Beau, who died of cancer that year. But in recent years, McConnell has become known as an obstructionist Senate leader, often refusing to allow laws to be passed.

"[Biden] will use all the tools that he has," his newly appointed chief of staff, Ron Klain, told US television news network MSNBC.

"His prodigious tools of persuasion, his ability to reach out to people on all aspects of our party and in both parties, to rally the voters and to do everything he can to move this country forward."

Republican Senator Mitch McConnell.

Republican Senator Mitch McConnell.Credit: Bloomberg

Can Democrats win the seats they need?

It will be tough, as Republicans have traditionally dominated statewide run-offs in Georgia, but both sides believe the contest will come down to whose base is more motivated to turn up on January 5.

What’s more, the tide is turning in Georgia, largely due to changing demographics – particularly in the affluent and increasingly diverse suburbs around the state capital, Atlanta – and the efforts of voting rights activists to register more voters.


Leading the charge is Democrat Stacey Abrams, who in 2018 narrowly missed out on becoming the first black governor of Georgia in a controversial state election rife with voter-suppression tactics, such as unfairly removing people from electoral rolls (known as "voter purging") and failing to provide enough polling stations, particularly in black and brown communities.

After her loss, Abrams – one of the women Biden considered for the role of his running mate – put her own political ambitions aside to set up the progressive voter mobilisation group Fair Fight Action, which is largely responsible for the unprecedented voter turnout that spurred Biden’s historic victory in the state this year.


Why do we keep hearing the name Stacey Abrams?

If you had to pick the hero of the 2020 US election, Stacey Abrams would likely be top of the list. Her work in tackling voter rights and convincing more people to turn up on Election Day didn’t just help the Democrats win Georgia for the first time in three decades - it also changed democracy in the Deep South for years to come. Abrams has spent almost 10 years mobilising black voters to have their say in what once seemed like an unattainable Republican stronghold.

After running for governor in 2018 - and losing in a disputed election to the current Governor, Brian Kemp - she set up Fair Fight Action, a progressive grassroots organisation that has raised millions of dollars and registered hundreds of thousands of voters across the state. Abrams put her political ambitions on hold for this election, but is viewed as a rising star in the Democratic Party and a future leadership contender. She was one of the many women Biden initially considered to be his running mate, before he chose Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris.

In addition to registering record numbers of new voters, the group was able to mitigate voter suppression by getting clear rules about absentee balloting; ensuring that there were enough polling places and drop boxes; and making sure black and brown voters weren’t disproportionately getting provisional ballots (which are easier to reject during vote counting).

Asked what needed to be done to win the run-offs, Abrams told the Pod Save America podcast: "First, we have to reject the anachronistic notion that Democrats can’t win Georgia.

"We have a demographic revolution that’s not about destiny – it’s about opportunity."

What else can we expect in Georgia before January 5?

Unprecedented spending on ads, an extraordinary voter mobilisation effort and plenty of drama.

Both sides have already ploughed millions of dollars into their respective campaigns, attack ads are popping up all over social media and politicians and volunteers have descended on Georgia to "turn out the vote".

But the state has no shortage of other interesting flashpoints: from Marjorie Taylor Greene, a supporter of the far-right QAnon conspiracy theory elected to the House of Representatives, to ongoing anger over the shooting death of 25-year-old black man Ahmaud Arbery by two white men earlier this year.

Meanwhile, Trump's election defeat has led to unrest within the Republican Party. Loeffler and Perdue have called on Georgia's Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to resign, accusing him (without evidence) of failing to deliver "honest and transparent elections".

Raffensperger has rejected this and also revealed that South Carolina Republican senator Lindsay Graham had suggested discarding some ballots during the Georgia recount in a bid to minimise Trump’s loss.

As the temperature across the state and the nation rises, we can expect to see plenty more fireworks.

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