

This was published 8 months ago

Drinking treated toilet water may be the future of drought-stricken California

By Victoria Bisset

As climate change and water scarcity become increasingly urgent issues around the world, governments are turning to new options to ensure adequate water supplies – including turning sewage waste into drinking water.

In California, that water may soon be flowing from the kitchen tap.

Despite heavy rain and flooding earlier this year, California often suffers from severe drought.

Despite heavy rain and flooding earlier this year, California often suffers from severe drought.Credit: Bloomberg

The State Water Resources Control Board has voted to allow water companies to pump treated wastewater into residents’ taps in the populous, drought-prone state. In a statement, the board said the decision would give California “the most advanced standards in the nation for treating wastewater to such an extent that the finished product meets or exceeds current drinking water standards”.

“This is an exciting development in the state’s ongoing efforts to find innovative solutions to the challenges of extreme weather driven by climate change,” said E. Joaquin Esquivel, the chair of the board.

Members unanimously approved the new regulations this week after years of discussions and just before a deadline set six years ago for the state to adopt regulations for reusing wastewater by the end of 2023. After the new rules are finalised next year, water companies will be able to submit plans for projects to be approved by the board.

The new steps will save energy and benefit the environment, Esquivel said, adding that “these regulations ensure that the water produced is not only safe, but purer than many drinking water sources we now rely on”.

California – where, in the 1990s, similar proposals were derided as “toilet to tap” – is not the only US state using these technologies.

Many people are already drinking treated wastewater, Esquivel said. What exists now is wastewater treated by what’s known as “indirect potable reuse”, a process where wastewater is released into natural water bodies, such as reservoirs and rivers, before being turned into drinking water.

This week’s vote allows for that treatment.


Under the newly approved regulations, any water being recycled this way must undergo at least three separate treatment processes and will be monitored and further treated for pathogens.

These include the use of an “ozonation process” – the addition of ozone gas, a powerful oxidant disinfectant – to the water, followed by the addition of biologically activated carbon to the water, according to the document. The water will then undergo a “reverse osmosis” process, which physically removes contaminants from water, and an advanced oxidation process, in which chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide or chlorine are added to clean the water.


The new policy does not mandate water companies to distribute water via direct potable reuse, but allows them to do so, in a move that could help conserve scarce resources and reduce the amount of waste released into seas and natural waterways.

California recently spent more than three years in drought, amid heatwaves and record bushfires. To deal with the growing issue of limited water supplies, Governor Gavin Newsom released new proposals for water recycling targets last year, which are set to cost $US27 billion ($40 billion) by 2040, according to the AP.

The idea of turning waste into drinking water is not new. Windhoek, the capital of Namibia – one of the driest countries in Africa – became the first city in the world to introduce wastewater recycling more than 30 years ago, according to the city’s plant.


Singapore has installed an extensive filtration system that can treat nearly 238 million gallons of water a day, enough to fill 350 Olympic swimming pools. Most of it goes towards industrial operations and for cooling systems, but part of it is mixed into the city-state’s drinking water.

California – where, in the 1990s, similar proposals were derided as “toilet to tap” – is not the only US state using these technologies, as communities gradually warm up to ideas that once sparked outrage.

Texas began operating its first direct potable reuse facility in 2013, while Colorado introduced guidelines for the use of wastewater for drinking earlier this year.

In Britain – which has faced droughts and record temperatures, and where residents opposed similar plans in 2013 – the head of the country’s environment agency said last year that people needed to become “less squeamish” about the concept.

The Washington Post

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