

This was published 4 years ago


Democrats will move on from Iowa, but the damage has been done

The Democratic presidential primary has been under way for more than a year. But it wasn't until last Monday that voters got their first chance to weigh in on who should be the party's nominee. The storied Iowa caucuses – which have kicked off the Democratic race since 1972, in large part because of their complex rules – seemed especially important this year, given the large Democratic field. So all eyes were on Iowa on Monday night.

Pete Buttigieg, the winner in Iowa by the narrowest of margins.

Pete Buttigieg, the winner in Iowa by the narrowest of margins.Credit: AP

And then: nothing.

Those who stayed up late to find out the results were disappointed, but so too were those who went to bed early, certain they'd know the winner as soon as they reached for their smartphones on Tuesday morning. In fact, there would be no results for some time, and the final tally didn't arrive until Friday morning. Mayor Pete Buttigieg barely edged out Senator Bernie Sanders in the delegate count, Senator Elizabeth Warren came third, and former vice-president Joe Biden ended up a dismal fourth.

But for once, the process was more important than the results. That's because, at precisely the time Democrats need to be championing accessibility, transparency, and reliability in elections, they failed to deliver all three.


The big failure in Iowa stemmed from the party's decision, two months before the convoluted caucus process took place, to commission an app for reporting results. They chose a for-profit company, Shadow, Inc. – a laughably villainous name – and failed both to run a statewide test and to put in place sufficient back-ups.

Predictably, the app failed. And when precinct captains went to call in their results, the lines were constantly busy. There are scraps of paper all over Iowa with the numbers, so we'll eventually get verified results. But those will come too late to undo the damage.

That's not only because of the poor choices made by Iowa party leaders. Political opportunists saw the information vacuum and filled it with disinformation. Conspiracy theories shuttled across the internet, fanned by those with a vested interest in political chaos in the Democratic Party (including President Donald Trump). NBC News reported that the Iowa problems were exacerbated by internet trolls from the site 4chan. The phone lines for reporting results were jammed in part because those trolls were jamming them with prank phone calls.

But even had the app worked flawlessly, Iowa still is the wrong place for the Democratic contest to begin. Candidates have criticised the state's first-in-the-nation status because of the largely rural, mostly white population. Julian Castro, who withdrew from the contest in January, argued that the Democrats' process was fatally flawed, because it chose to begin with "two states that hardly have people of colour”.


Yet even in a more diverse state, the caucus system has serious problems. Unlike a primary, in which voters have a day, or sometimes several days, to privately cast their ballot, caucuses require people to show up on a Tuesday evening to publicly choose their candidate in a process that can take several hours. As a result, turnout plummets. In 2016, for instance, turnout for the New Hampshire primary was 52.4 per cent. For Iowa, it was 15.7.

A process that discourages participation should be penalised, not rewarded.

The Democratic Party has a special obligation in protecting an open, fair, and trustworthy process. It is not news that democracies across the world are under pressure, both from rising illiberalism and collapsing faith in political institutions. In the US, attacks on voting rights have been a key part of this broader assault on democracy, and those attacks have been coming from one party: the Republicans.

Over the past decade, the Republicans have worked hard to restrict the vote: putting in place strict voter identification laws, closing polls in majority-black neighbourhoods, purging voter rolls, and eliminating early voting options. A 2013 Supreme Court ruling gutted federal protections against voter discrimination, allowing Republicans to undertake ever more brazen attempts to restrict black voters' access to the polls.

Democrats have been pushing back: re-enfranchising people who have felony convictions, expanding voter registration opportunities, and, just as importantly, making the case the every citizen deserves the right to have a say in who their leaders are. They have also worked in recent years to safeguard the vote from foreign interference and digital manipulation – though the bill, passed by House Democrats in October, has been held up in the Republican-controlled Senate and the White House has vowed to veto it if the Senate ever passed it.

At a moment when both the right to vote and democratic governance is under attack from both Republicans and illiberal forces abroad, the Democratic Party should be making accessible voting its core commitment. As the debacle in Iowa shows, however, continuing to show favour to the Iowa caucuses undercuts that message, suggesting that tradition matters more than the future of democracy.

The presidential nominating contest has now moved on. The New Hampshire primary on Tuesday will soon knock Iowa out of the headlines. But the damage has been done. If Democrats want to undo it, they'll demote Iowa in 2024, and put in place a system that not only reflects the party's members, but its commitment to a democratic process.

Nicole Hemmer is associate research scholar at the Obama Presidency Oral History Project, Columbia University.

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