

This was published 1 year ago


Australia’s pleas to release Assange could fall on deaf American ears

As Julian Assange continues to languish in prison in the United Kingdom, his supporters are pressing for his freedom – now. They are increasing pressure in Washington and Canberra on the United States government to terminate its efforts to extradite Assange to the US for trial, halt his prosecution, and let him return to Australia.

President Biden’s slated visit to Australia for the Quad meeting – although there is now speculation that his deputy Kamala Harris might replace him – has presented a powerful opportunity to further press the case.

Both sides of US politics remain hostile to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

Both sides of US politics remain hostile to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.Credit: Getty Images

Impassioned statements by Prime Minister Albanese, Foreign Minister Penny Wong, and Ambassador to the United States (and former prime minister) Kevin Rudd have been registered with urgency.

Last week, Albanese said, “I can’t do more than make very clear what my position is, and the US administration is certainly very aware of what the Australian government’s position is. I continue to say in private what I said publicly as Labor leader and what I’ve said as prime minister, that enough is enough. This needs to be brought to a conclusion. It needs to be worked through, we’re working through diplomatic channels, we’re making very clear what our position is on Mr Assange’s case.”

The Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has recently joined the campaign. A cross-party parliamentary delegation has met this week with US Ambassador Caroline Kennedy. Forty-eight members of parliament have written to Attorney General Merrick Garland.

But this effort remains an exceptionally heavy lift. The political landscape in Washington for the Assange cause is daunting.

The ties between Anthony Albanese and Joe Biden are especially close, but they may have little influence on Assange’s fate.

The ties between Anthony Albanese and Joe Biden are especially close, but they may have little influence on Assange’s fate.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The political class, on a bipartisan basis, is hostile to Assange on two counts. First, his alleged actions in encouraging the hacking of intelligence and military files associated with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and then publishing those files on Wikileaks in 2010. Lawmakers in both parties who are deeply involved in national security issues believe that was immensely destructive to the interests of the United States and put American and others’ lives in danger. Indeed, then vice president Biden, asked about Assange in December 2010, said: “I would argue it is closer to being a hi-tech terrorist than the Pentagon papers. But, look, this guy has done things that have damaged and put in jeopardy the lives and occupations of people in other parts of the world.”

Second, the Wikileaks publication of email files hacked by Russia from Hillary Clinton’s campaign on the eve of the 2016 election are viewed by many Democrats as instrumental in Clinton’s defeat by Donald Trump. There is no deep well of sympathy for Assange among Democrats because of those damaging events.


In recent weeks, there has also been the biggest security breach since Wikileaks in 2010. The so-called Discord leaks, allegedly engineered by a member of the National Guard, and uncovering intelligence assessments on the war in Ukraine and revealing issues between the United States and multiple allies, have sent US foreign policy officials into massive damage control. The sentiment throughout the government is for the toughest prosecution of those alleged crimes, and for greater vigilance by the Biden Administration.


This further complicates how clemency for Assange is viewed.

There is no doubt that when one of America’s strongest allies makes heartfelt representations of compassion and mercy on behalf of one of its citizens, the president will listen with utmost attention. The ties between the president and the prime minister are exceptionally close.

But “the decider” of this matter (as former President George W. Bush might say) is almost surely to be not President Biden but Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Biden has made clear, from the outset of his assuming the presidency, that there will be no political interference from the White House in the work of the Justice Department.

In nominating Garland, Biden said: “I want to be clear to those who lead this department who you will serve. You won’t work for me. You are not the president’s or the vice president’s lawyer. Your loyalty is not to me. It’s to the law, the Constitution, the people of this nation.”

A supporter of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange protests outside the British Home Office in London last year.

A supporter of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange protests outside the British Home Office in London last year.Credit: AP

The AG runs Justice. To insulate the department from political pressure from the White House, special counsels have been appointed to investigate Trump for his handling of classified documents and the January 6 insurrection, and to investigate Biden for his handling of classified documents. A special counsel is also investigating Hunter Biden, the president’s son. The White House is not involved in any of these matters.

The charges against Assange are extremely weighty. This will require the most formidable advocacy to the attorney general on the merits of freeing Assange, citing the most relevant and compelling historical and legal precedents for clemency and mercy, and showing Garland the soundest grounds on which he can go into court and obtain the dismissal of the indictments against Assange and cancel the extradition request in the UK. The AG needs to be convinced on the legal merits – and not the politics in the US or Australia.


There is much historical resonance that governs perceptions about the Assange case and its ultimate resolution. Fifty years ago, Daniel Ellsberg was brought to trial for the most serious leak of intelligence secrets in American history. He illegally copied the Pentagon Papers, the secret archive of the history of the Vietnam War. Ellsberg was seen as a traitor by many and was widely vilified. But in standing for trial, Ellsberg deliberately sought, by submitting to the power of the state and the judicial process, to expose the war crimes of the state, and to thereby win vindication. In stunning developments, the Ellsberg case was dismissed because of criminal misconduct by the government. Ellsberg won a legal and moral victory.

Assange, by different means, is seeking the same outcome. However, even with the strongest cross-party pleas from Australian officials, there is no similar expression of bipartisan support from Congress to end Assange’s ordeal. Without the judgment of the attorney general to end the US legal processes, it is difficult to see the president overriding that decision, even for such an ally as Australia. Biden was able to stare down France over the AUKUS subs and Israel over Netanyahu’s policy towards the courts. Everyone is still friends.

As of today, this is still an uphill battle.

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