

This was published 1 year ago


Is the US now an unreliable ally? Just ask Ukraine

We know that the US has failed to win most of its own wars since World War Two. Now we have to wonder whether it can marshal enough staying power to support an ally fighting a war for survival.

The US president and the congressional leadership of both major parties have given solemn promises to assist Ukraine in its struggle to repel Russia’s invasion, whatever the cost.

Illustration: Andrew Dyson

Illustration: Andrew DysonCredit: Supplied

But when the US House of Representatives played its weekend game of Russian roulette over whether to shut down the US government, it was American support for Ukraine that took the bullet.

Specifically, the only way that the American political system was able to agree to keep funding the US government was by dumping support for Ukraine. The price of keeping the US functional for another 45 days was to abandon an ally.

The effect? “Financial and political shock to Ukraine,” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken had predicted in a conversation with the Republican Senate leader, Mitch McConnell, according to The Washington Post.

And it would be “disastrous” symbolically to US allies, Blinken said, according to the newspaper.

Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was obliged to dump any new funding for Ukraine as a condition of mustering enough support to fund the US government.

Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was obliged to dump any new funding for Ukraine as a condition of mustering enough support to fund the US government.Credit: Bloomberg

He’s not kidding. The US is not risking the lives of its own sons and daughters in this war, yet apparently it cannot find the resolve to continue support for a global champion of sovereignty, democracy and freedom.

This is a poor omen for all nations hoping for American help in a crisis. Including Taiwan. Including US treaty allies like Australia.


To be fair, Washington had earlier agreed to exceptional levels of assistance to Ukraine. The Congress last year approved $US113 billion ($176 billion) in military and other support, according to the non-partisan experts at the Committee for a Responsible Budget. That’s more than total aid from all European nations combined.

And there remains plenty of goodwill towards Ukraine in the system. President Joe Biden in August asked the Congress for $US20.6 billion in support. The Senate last month agreed to appropriate about $US6 billion for the cause. The obstacle was the House. It agreed to zero.

This is the very same House that in February last year passed overwhelmingly a resolution promising “steadfastly, staunchly, proudly and fervently” to support Ukraine. That was adopted unanimously by the Senate and by all but three of the 435 members of the House.

As it stands today, however, a minimum of 70 of the 221 Republicans in the House are opposed to further assistance to Ukraine. Which is why the Speaker of the House, Republican Kevin McCarthy, was obliged to dump any new funding for Ukraine as a condition of mustering enough support to fund the US government. The Republican caucus is where the problem lies.

Why the dramatic change in sentiment? The simplest answer is to attribute it to war fatigue. Recall the quote by the late US historian Arthur Schlesinger: “All wars are popular for the first thirty days.”

Polls trace the familiar pattern. Early in the war, 62 per cent of Americans said that the US should not only help Ukraine but do more to assist. In August, a CNN poll found that a majority, 55 per cent, opposed any further funding for Kyiv.


Go a little deeper, and it turns out that this is not representative of Americans who vote Democrat. Among Democrat supporters, 62 per cent favour more funding. The opposition is overwhelmingly among Republican voters – 71 per cent opposed.

Why did Republicans swing away from Ukraine so decisively? The answer in two words – Donald Trump. “The former president so dominates the party’s consciousness that his doubts about Ukraine aid have had an enormous effect on Republicans as a whole,” says Adam Kinzinger, a former Republican member of Congress and now commentator for CNN.

“With Trump, who has embraced Putin, some Republicans are learning to let go of America’s role as the bulwark of democracy and freedom. These Republicans are choosing, instead, the tragic isolationism of those who opposed joining the fight against Hitler.”

Trump, of course, is not in power except in his own imagination. Yet, with more than a year until the presidential election, he is transforming US attitudes to Ukraine from his position as the leading Republican candidate for the presidency.

Trump is posing support for Ukraine as a negotiable in domestic political squabbles. The Congress should “refuse to authorise a single additional shipment of our depleted weapons stockpiles” until the administration hands over documents from its investigation into the business affairs of the Biden family.


In other words, Trump has politicised support for Ukraine as a partisan plaything. Much as he politicised American commitment to NATO in his time as president. Trump has bragged that he would end the war in Ukraine overnight. He hasn’t specified how, but presumably by ending assistance to Ukraine.

And we know Trump has a long-standing affection for Vladimir Putin. Trump’s notorious foreign and trade policy of America First could be rendered America First, Russia Second.

His soft spot for autocrats ruling rival nations also extends to China’s dictator Xi Jinping. Trump has described him as “smart, brilliant, everything perfect. There’s nobody in Hollywood like this guy”. Xi rules 1.4 billion people with “an iron fist,” said Trump, evidently approving. He confided that the pair “love each other”.

Biden and the congressional leaders, both Democrat and Republican, have pledged to put together a new support package for Ukraine as quickly as possible. With Trump looming ever larger over the Republican primaries, it will be an extra anxious time for Volodymyr Zelensky. The Ukraine war reminds us that America is, as Madeleine Albright said, “the indispensable nation”, and yet it is increasingly an unreliable one.

None of which is to argue that Australia or any other ally should abandon its defence treaty relationship with the US. Australia has only one great-power ally, only one nation extending a protective nuclear umbrella over it, and it would be imprudent to discard it. But anyone counting on America as its Plan A needs to be working on a Plan B.

Peter Hartcher is international editor.

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