

This was published 4 years ago


A decade that started with such promise ends with uncertainty

The 2010s are ending quite differently than they began. Emerging from the tumult of the global financial crisis, the decade arrived with the slow return of hope –­ hope not just for economic rebound, but for democratic revival. New technologies enabled populist revolts against dictatorship and corruption to radiate across the Middle East, sparking hope that platforms like Twitter could breathe new life into the world’s ageing democracies as well.

In the US, the Great Recession ended in 2009, leading to a decade of uninterrupted economic expansion.

In the US, the Great Recession ended in 2009, leading to a decade of uninterrupted economic expansion.Credit: Greg Newington

But at the decade’s end, those hopes seem embarrassingly naive. Across the globe, pluralist democracy is in retreat: younger democracies like India, Hungary, and Russia have taken a hard authoritarian turn, while older ones like the US and Britain have sought to wall themselves off from the world. Right-wing nationalism is making inroads in dozens of democracies, as the liberal international order unravels.

It’s been a bad 10 years. Making it worse: this sudden retreat from democracy was made possible by the very developments that, at the start of the 2010s, fuelled hopes for a democratic revival –economic recovery, international co-operation and social media.

In the US, the global financial crisis ended in 2009, leading to a decade of uninterrupted economic expansion. The unemployment rate slid from 10 per cent in October 2009 to 3.6 per cent in October 2019. The Dow Jones Industrial Average crashed to 6547 points in March 2009 and today sits at 28,645. European countries were slower to recover, but the crisis was over just about everywhere by 2014.

Recovery, though, came at a cost. Austerity politics reigned, placing heavy burdens on the poor and working class as governments slashed social programs. In the US, the government bailed out banks and corporations but not people; as a result, economic inequality widened. So too did a sense of pervasive unfairness. The financial industry swindled the entire global economy, and seemingly no one was held accountable.

While that sense of unfairness and struggle sparked an appetite for democratic socialism in countries like the US, where it had long been sidelined, it was far more successful in feeding nationalist movements that blamed cosmopolitan elites and non-white immigrants for stagnation and decline.

"Blame the immigrants" became a powerful platform for movements across the globe, a sharp rebuke to an era of growing international co-operation. Especially after America’s go-it-alone invasion of Iraq, international agreements and alliances seemed more important than ever.

Yet the 2010s brought a growing rejection of international co-operation, as a new reactionary nationalism spread across the globe. That new nationalism was more often than not an explicit rejection of a commitment to greater global trade and partnerships, underpinned by a strong antipathy towards non-white and Muslim migrants.


The promised Muslim ban in the US, the new anti-Islam laws in India, the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Uighurs in China, the migrant crises across Europe, Australia, the Middle East and Central America - by and large these have not been met with co-ordinated refugee assistance and meaningful applications of international human rights law. They have instead become part of a broader attack on pluralistic democracy.

Yet nowhere has the false promise of the early 2010s been more profound than in the world of social media. The 2000s brought us a smorgasbord of new platforms – Facebook in 2004, YouTube in 2005, Twitter in 2006 – with endless potential. Social media’s rise was lauded as the democratisation of media. The gatekeepers were gone: anyone could publish their thoughts or release a video or podcast without any outside interference. Surely a new meritocracy would emerge.

Illustration: Andrew Dyson

Illustration: Andrew DysonCredit:

A new democracy, too. The Arab Spring showed social media’s revolutionary side, its ability to help empower a democratic uprising in unexpected places.

That is not, however, how things turned out. By the mid-2010s it was increasingly clear that social media was also a powerful tool for racist and authoritarian movements. Vulnerable to disinformation campaigns and adept at radicalisation, social media platforms have helped destabilise democracies in ways few people anticipated at the decade’s start. At the beginning of the 2010s, we worried Facebook might make people narcissists. Now we worry it might make them fascists.

For all the tarnished hopes of the 2010s, there is still some reason for tempered optimism. Democratic uprisings didn’t stop with the Arab Spring. In the US, the Black Lives Matter and #MeToo campaigns used social media to force ignored injustices into the headlines. People have organised to protest migrant abuse, racist legislation, climate inaction, government corruption and economic inequality.


Progressive populism challenged right-wing nationalism in the 2010s, but it was a decidedly minor note in a decade dominated by democratic decline. Still, it matters that people took to the streets and to the ballot box to resist the institutional collapse happening around them.

Because as bleak as things may look now for proponents of democracy around the globe, the story is not yet over. The past decade has shown how fragile democracy can be, but also reminded people why it is worth fighting for. Whether the 2010s will be remembered as a warning sign or a death knell for democracy depends on the choices we make in the decade now beginning.

Nicole Hemmer is a regular columnist based in the United States, where she is an associate research scholar with the Obama Presidency Oral History Project at Columbia University.

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