

This was published 8 years ago

Migrant crisis: Deadline for ineligible asylum seekers to be sent back to Turkey

By Karolina Tagaris

Lesbos: Greece has asked its European partners for help implementing a deal with Turkey meant to stem an influx of migrants into Europe, as hundreds more – many unaware of the new rules – streamed from their boats on to Greek islands.

For months the epicentre of Europe's biggest migrant crisis since World War II, Greece is struggling to implement the logistics operation needed to process asylum applications from hundreds of migrants still arriving daily along its shoreline.

A girl looks out of a bus window after arriving by ferry with hundreds of other migrants at the Greek port of Elefsina on Monday.

A girl looks out of a bus window after arriving by ferry with hundreds of other migrants at the Greek port of Elefsina on Monday. Credit: AP

Turkish officials arrived on the island of Lesbos on Monday to help put the deal into practice. Anyone who arrived after March 20 must be held until their papers are processed and those deemed ineligible are to be sent back to Turkey from April 4.

Late on Monday, 150 migrants from Pakistan and Bangladesh were transferred – handcuffed and under police escort – from the island's registration centre to a passenger ferry that would take them to the mainland.

A man sleeps on the ground in the Athens' port of Piraeus on Monday.

A man sleeps on the ground in the Athens' port of Piraeus on Monday.Credit: AP

They arrived on Lesbos on Sunday and would be taken to immigration offices in Athens, a police spokesman said.

Under the EU-Turkey strategy agreed on Friday, a plan must be made by March 25 and 4000 personnel – more than half from other EU member states – must be deployed to the islands by next week.

"We must move very swiftly and in a co-ordinated manner over the next few days to get the best possible result," Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said after meeting EU Migration Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos in Athens. "Assistance in human resources must come quickly."


Mr Avramopoulos said France, Germany and the Netherlands had already pledged logistics and personnel.

More than 5000 migrants are camped at the Athens port of Piraeus.

More than 5000 migrants are camped at the Athens port of Piraeus.Credit: AP

"We are at a crucial turning point ... The management of the refugee crisis for Europe as a whole hinges on the progress and success of this agreement," he said.

However, on Monday, the day after the formal start of an agreement intended to close the main route through which a million refugees and migrants arrived in Europe in 2015, authorities said 1662 people had arrived on Greek islands by 7am, twice the official count of the day before.

A child shouts a slogan during a protest demanding the opening of the border between Greece and Macedonia in the northern Greek border station of Idomeni on Monday.

A child shouts a slogan during a protest demanding the opening of the border between Greece and Macedonia in the northern Greek border station of Idomeni on Monday. Credit: AP

Just after 4.30am on Monday, one coastguard vessel rescued 54 refugees and migrants from the open sea and brought them to the port, some of the 698 arrivals counted in Lesbos.

They staggered down the ramp, women and children first, one elderly man bundled up in blankets. "Where are we going?" asked one Syrian woman travelling with her husband and daughter.

Migrants block a railway during a protest demanding the opening of the border between Greece and Macedonia in Idomeni, Greece, on Monday.

Migrants block a railway during a protest demanding the opening of the border between Greece and Macedonia in Idomeni, Greece, on Monday. Credit: Darko Vojinovic

The group were directed to a coastguard bus that would drive them to the Moria "hot spot", a centre where new arrivals are being registered and their asylum applications processed.

"We are very tired. I want to go to my family in Sweden," Ahmet Bayraktar, 32, an accountant from Aleppo, Syria, said. "We'll try, God willing."

Like others, he was unaware of the new EU-Turkey accord.

"We don't know about this," Mr Bayraktar said. "We're coming directly from Syria. Everybody wants to go to the border. We don't have the news, we don't have electricity, we don't have anything."

Before Friday's deal, migrants and refugees had been free to wander out of the camp and head to ferries to the Greek mainland, from where they would mostly head north through the Balkans towards wealthier western Europe, especially Germany.

Now, new arrivals are supposed to be held in centres pending the outcome of their asylum applications.

Under the deal, for every Syrian returned to Turkey, another would be resettled from Turkey within the EU, a process that has already triggered alarm from human rights groups for being discriminatory, a violation of international law and open to challenge in court.

Some diplomats believe the accord could unravel within months because neither side looks able to deliver on its commitments, but the need to get the migration crisis under control is so urgent it was felt best to clinch a deal now and deal with shortcomings later.

The fate of the nearly 47,000 migrants stranded in Greece when countries along the Balkan route shut their borders a few weeks ago remains unclear.


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