


What is going on between Iran and the United States?

A drone is shot down, tankers are sabotaged, recriminations fly. What is going on between the US and Iran and how did it come to this?


Suddenly we're hearing a lot more about Iran, and the drums of war between the United States and Iran are beating.

This talk is supported by what appears to be an escalating series of incidents: oil tankers holed with missiles or mines, and claims by the US Navy that fragments recovered from one of the tankers bore a "striking resemblance" to Iranian limpet mines (a type of mine attached by magnets to its target); a US "spy" drone shot down by Iran; a cancelled US strike on Iranian military targets and, instead, a US cyber attack against an Iranian intelligence group that the US says helped plan the oil tanker attacks.

Meanwhile, the United States has sent 2500 additional American troops to the region in the past month.

Some have likened the escalating atmosphere to the feeling leading up to George Bush's invasion of Iraq in 2003.

So why are we suddenly using the "w" word in the Middle East again, and should Australia brace to be invited into another Coalition of the Willing?


How did this start?

The deterioration in relations began in May 2018 when President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the Obama-era Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action of 2015, which limited Iran's nuclear development in return for easing sanctions. Trump said it was not tough enough and imposed tough sanctions.

On April 8 this year, Trump moved again and, over the objections of Pentagon officials, designated a powerful arm of the Iranian military, its Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, as a foreign terrorist organisation.

Then, on May 5, Trump's National Security Adviser John Bolton referred to "troubling and escalatory indications" from Iran and sent an aircraft carrier strike group to the Gulf of Oman. A week later, four oil tankers – two belonging to Saudi Arabia and one each to the United Arab Emirates and Norway – were attacked. Bolton blamed Iran.

Three days later, on May 8, Trump slapped sanctions on Iran's metals industry, its largest source of revenue outside oil. This prompted Iran to ramp up production of nuclear fuel to produce 20 per cent-enriched uranium. This moves it closer to the ability to build a nuclear weapon, even though it has always insisted its nuclear program is peaceful.

On May 24, Trump ordered another 1500 troops to the region and declared an emergency over Iran, moving ahead with arms sales to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Jordan which had been blocked in Congress.

Then, on June 13, as Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was in Iran for talks with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, two more oil tankers were holed in the Gulf of Oman. Again the United States blamed Iran.


After a $130 million, unmanned US drone was shot down by Iran, Trump described it as "a big mistake". Then he initially approved attacks on a handful of Iranian targets, such as radar and missile batteries, before abruptly calling it off, saying later it would have cost 150 lives, so was not "proportional".

On June 20, US Cyber Command conducted online attacks against an Iranian intelligence group that US officials believe helped plan the attacks against oil tankers, according to people briefed on the operation.

These attacks came after hackers believed to be working for the Iranian government had targeted US government agencies, as well as sectors of the economy, including finance, oil and gas - a campaignthat appeared to have started shortly after the Trump administration imposed sanctions on the Iranian petrochemical sector earlier in June.

A US military photo from June 13 shows damage to a tanker in the Gulf of Oman.

A US military photo from June 13 shows damage to a tanker in the Gulf of Oman. Credit: AP

What do Trump and the Ayatollah say?

Donald Trump came to office vowing to withdraw the United States from foreign entanglements. He has held apparently contradictory positions in recent weeks. "If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran," he tweeted in May. Then, a week later, "We’re not looking for regime change."

Trump's White House contains some serious Iran hawks. Prior to his appointment, Bolton consistently called for regime change. In 2015, he wrote that the US should bomb Iran to keep it from getting a nuclear weapon.


And Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in Jerusalem in March that “anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism, and any nation that espouses anti-Zionism, like Iran, must be confronted".

During classified briefings around the halls of Congress, Pompeo reportedly spruiked the alleged links between the Shiite state of Iran and the Sunni terrorist group al-Qaeda. Many are sceptical of that link, considering that false links drawn between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda were part of the case for George Bush's war in Iraq in 2003.

However, Pompeo said later: "President Trump does not want war and we will continue to communicate that message while doing the things that are necessary to protect American interests in the region."

Meanwhile, in Iran the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is the supreme leader, sitting above the elected president as the head of the clergy. (He succeeded to the role after Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's death in 1989.) The Revolutionary Guard reports directly to him, and he would make any decision on Iran going to war.

In his role as the nation's religious guide, he has repeatedly said that Iran would never develop nuclear weapons because they would violate Islamic teachings.

Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, right, welcomes Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Tehran, Iran in February.

Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, right, welcomes Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Tehran, Iran in February.Credit: AP

What is at stake?


For Iran, national pride and sovereignty, as well as the economic health of the country. The sanctions are severely damaging its economy by limiting its two largest exports.

Unlike the United States, the European Union and Australia have not withdrawn from the (frayed) anti-nuclear agreement but they cannot continue trading with Iran when the United States is policing sanctions-busting.

Israel has most cause to fear a nuclear-armed Iran, which has a policy position that the Israeli state is illegitimate and should be replaced with a Palestinian state. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged Trump to pull out of the anti-nuclear agreement and would encourage firm action, even war, against the Iranian regime.

Iran has threatened to blockade the Strait of Hormuz, a narrow passage through which a fifth of the world's oil is shipped, particularly to Asia, making any conflict in this area high stakes for the world.

Why do the US and Iran hate each other so much?

The animosity goes back to 1953 when the US deposed a democratically elected Iranian prime minister, Mohammed Mosaddegh, who had resisted foreign interference, returning power to the Iranian monarch, or Shah. The country remained a client state of the US under the Shah, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, until the Islamic revolution in 1979.

Then there was the Iranian hostage crisis. US support for the Shah led to a group of Iranian students from the Muslim Student Followers of the Imam's Line, who supported the revolution, storming the US embassy in Tehran in November 1979. Ultimately, 52 US diplomats and staff were held hostage for 444 days, and a failed rescue mission launched by the Carter administration resulted in the deaths of eight American servicemen. It was also fatal to Jimmy Carter's presidency.

The Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini waves to followers from the balcony of his headquarters in Tehran in 1979.

The Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini waves to followers from the balcony of his headquarters in Tehran in 1979.Credit: AP

After the hostage crisis, the US broke off diplomatic relations with Iran in 1980 and has never restored them. Washington and the Arab monarchies supported Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq during its war against Iran in the 1980s. Iranian leaders have used "Death to America" as a uniting, nationalistic phrase through good times and bad.

Iranians hold a flag that reads Death to America during Friday prayer at Tehran University in 2016.

Iranians hold a flag that reads Death to America during Friday prayer at Tehran University in 2016.Credit: AP

What role does Iran play in the Middle East?

Dominated by the Persian ethnic group and the Shiite sect of Islam, and governed as an Islamic republic, Iran stands apart from the predominantly Arab and Sunni Middle East and its absolute monarchies, particularly that of US-ally Saudi Arabia.

In recent years it has been using a foreign policy it describes as "forward defence", deploying proxies in other countries to establish influence. Hezbollah, which is heavily funded by Iran, performs this role in Lebanon and latterly in Syria, where the Assad regime is also in the Iranian camp. Hamas – a Sunni Islamist group which dominates the blockaded Gaza Strip, and is hostile to Israel – also receives funding and influence from Iran.

In Iraq, militias funded and trained by Iran and drawn from Iraq's large Shiite population were crucial to the fight against the Sunni extremists of the Islamic State, fighting on the same side as the US and its allies.

In Yemen, Iran supports the Shiite Houthis against the Saudi-backed government in a dirty war that has killed thousands and threatens Yemen's population with famine.

Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates see Iran as an intolerable threat while Iran sees itself as isolated and surrounded by hostile forces, describing itself and its allies as an “axis of resistance”.

Are sanctions hurting Iran's regime?

Iran's economy is hurting: a recession is deepening, inflation is likely to hit 50 per cent, and the Iranian rial may never recover from a plunge last year. This is increasing pressure on the regime. But Iranian leaders’ first priority, regardless of where they stand on the political spectrum, is to ensure the Islamic Republic’s survival. So while sanctions tend to hurt ordinary Iranians, they also appear to increase a sense of national unity against the "American devil" and therefore mute dissent against the clerical regime.

How could the situation escalate?

Even if Trump's White House decides there is a case for war in the seeming provocations taking place in the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf, they are very unlikely to take the case to the United Nations. Iran's allies include Security Council-member Russia, which would veto any action.

The United States could decide instead to strike unilaterally - as Trump reportedly did on Thursday evening, before pulling back. He would have the firm support of Israel in that action. One potential action would be a bombing of the Natanz nuclear facility, an option debated over the years by US and Israeli military officials.

Some believe Trump is preparing for a ground war. The New York Times reported in May that the White House was drafting a military plan involving the deployment of up to 120,000 troops to the region if Iran hastened its pursuit of nuclear weapons.

An Iranian navy ship hoses down a fire on a tanker in the Gulf of Oman on June 13.

An Iranian navy ship hoses down a fire on a tanker in the Gulf of Oman on June 13. Credit: Tasnim News Agency

How would it affect Australia?

Australia has a policy of "constructive engagement" with Iran. However, in the case of war, Prime Minister Scott Morrison would no doubt face pressure from Trump to do what John Howard did in 2003 and become part of a pro-US coalition.

A war, or a blockade of the Strait of Hormuz, would drive global oil prices sky-high.

How would it affect Trump?

Trump might see political advantage in conflict with Iran, despite his dislike of involvement in the Middle East. Wartime presidents can look stronger than peacetime ones and have powerful grounds on which to stoke nationalist sentiment. George Bush easily won the 2004 election after the invasion of Iraq, and even after the "weapons of mass destruction" claims were found to be false.

Trump is well behind in the polls and the next presidential election is due in November 2020.

– with agencies

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