

This was published 3 years ago

Far-right party set to gain new influence with a Netanyahu coalition

By Joseph Krauss

Jerusalem: An alliance of far-right groups, including openly racist and homophobic candidates, appears poised to enter Israel’s parliament, possibly as an indispensable member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing coalition.

Exit polls by three main television channels after Tuesday’s general election projected the Religious Zionist Party would win six to seven seats, the best-ever showing by an extreme right-wing party.

The party includes a new incarnation of the Kahanist movement, a Jewish extremist group outlawed as terrorists by Israel, the United States and other Western countries decades ago over its incitement to violence against Arabs.

Right-wing parties support West Bank settlements and oppose concessions in peace talks with the Palestinians.

A pedestrian passes an election campaign billboard for Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister and the leader of the Likud party, in Tel Aviv, Israel.

A pedestrian passes an election campaign billboard for Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister and the leader of the Likud party, in Tel Aviv, Israel.Credit: Bloomberg

With Netanyahu and his opponents deadlocked after four elections in two years, he will likely need the group if he is to succeed in assembling a narrow majority in the 120-member Knesset.

The polls indicated that Netanyahu, his religious and nationalist allies, and a group of anti-Netanyahu parties all fell short of the majority required to form a new government. That also raised the possibility of an unprecedented fifth consecutive election later this year.

The election was widely seen as a referendum on Netanyahu’s divisive rule. After three previous inconclusive elections, he had been hoping for a decisive victory to form a government with his traditional ultra-Orthodox and hard-line nationalist allies and seek immunity from corruption charges.

“All three options are on the table: a Netanyahu-led government, a change coalition that will leave Netanyahu in the opposition, and an interim government leading to a fifth election,” said Yohanan Plesner, president of the Israel Democracy Institute.

The three-month campaign was largely devoid of substantive issues and focused heavily on Netanyahu’s personality and whether he should remain in office. In contrast to past elections where he faced off against a clear rival, this time a diverse array of parties had little in common beyond their shared animosity towards him.

An election campaign banner for Benjamin Netanyahu adorns an apartment building in Tel Aviv.

An election campaign banner for Benjamin Netanyahu adorns an apartment building in Tel Aviv. Credit: Bloomberg

“Vote, vote, vote, vote, vote,” Netanyahu said after casting his ballot in Jerusalem, his wife, Sara, at his side.

Netanyahu, 71, who even after 12 years in office remains a tireless campaigner, continued throughout the day. At one point, he marched along a Mediterranean beach imploring people over a megaphone to go vote.

The Religious Zionist Party’s rise heralds a further shift to the right in Israel, where parties that support Jewish settlements and oppose the creation of a Palestinian state already dominate the political scene. A solidly right-wing government would likely find itself on a collision course with US President Joe Biden’s administration, which has pressed for the revival of peace efforts.

Bezalel Smotrich, a longtime activist, has recently compared gay marriage to incest.

Bezalel Smotrich, a longtime activist, has recently compared gay marriage to incest. Credit: AP

The Religious Zionist Party is led by Bezalel Smotrich, a longtime activist and former transport minister who has organised anti-gay protests and recently compared gay marriage to incest. In 2016, he tweeted in support of segregating Jewish and Arab women in maternity wards.

“It’s only natural my wife would not want to lie next to someone who just gave birth to a baby that might murder her baby in another 20 years,” he wrote.


He has also expressed hostility to more liberal strains of Judaism and said Israel should be governed by religious law.

He is allied with Itamar Ben Gvir, head of the far-right Jewish Power party. He is a disciple of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, who incited violence against Arabs, called for Israel to be governed by Jewish religious law and advocated the expulsion of Arabs and other non-Jews from Israel and the occupied territories.

Joining them is the openly homophobic Noam faction.

As a teenager in the 1990s, Ben Gvir became active in the Kach movement founded by Kahane, who was assassinated by an Egyptian-American in New York in 1990.

In a TV interview in 1995, Ben Gvir boasted of stripping an ornament off then-Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s Cadillac, saying “We’ll get Rabin too.” Weeks later, Rabin was assassinated by a Jewish extremist opposed to his peace efforts with the Palestinians. Ben Gvir later became a lawyer who represented Jewish extremists suspected of attacking Palestinians.

Until recently, he had a portrait hanging in his living room of Baruch Goldstein, a Kahane disciple who gunned down 29 Palestinians as they prayed in a West Bank mosque in 1994. Ben Gvir has said he favours the expulsion of Arabs who are hostile to the state.

In the lead-up to the election Ben Gvir sought to distance himself from Kahane’s most extreme views. In an interview with Channel 13 after the exit polls, he said Kahane had done “many good things,” adding: “I don’t agree with everything Kahane said.”

Voters wait in line to cast their vote at a polling station in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Voters wait in line to cast their vote at a polling station in Tel Aviv, Israel.Credit: Bloomberg

The Religious Zionist Party is a strong supporter of Jewish settlements and of annexing the occupied West Bank, which Israel captured in the 1967 Middle East war. The Palestinians want the West Bank to form the main part of their future state and view the settlements as an obstacle to peace, a position with wide international support.

Netanyahu pressed the three far-right factions to unite to ensure they would pass the minimum electoral threshold. They fell short in last year’s election, meaning votes that could have helped Netanyahu went to waste. Now he will need them if he hopes to remain in office and pursue immunity from prosecution on a raft of corruption charges.

Their presence in what would likely be a narrow coalition government has raised alarms across Israel’s political spectrum, with critics arguing that Netanyahu will be beholden to their radical agenda for his political survival.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara cast their ballots at a polling station in Jerusalem.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara cast their ballots at a polling station in Jerusalem.Credit: AP

“The Kahanists want to join the government not just for the ministers’ plush seats, the salary and car, an army of aides and funding for their supporters. They have an agenda,” Nahum Barnea, a veteran columnist for the Yediot Aharonot newspaper, wrote ahead of the election.

“First of all, it means freedom for Jewish terrorists to operate in the territories. Second, it means destroying the justice system. Third, it means apartheid within Israel; racial separation at hospitals, universities, the civil service and the [military]. Fourth, it means gender discrimination. Fifth, it means enforcing national-Haredi [ultra-Orthodox] religious codes. They aren’t playing around.”


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