

This was published 3 years ago


Community support Jews targeted over Israel’s conflict with Gaza

By Ralph Genende

I grew up at a time when anti-Semitism was on the retreat – at least in its public expression. Democracy and liberalism appeared to be dominant and spreading. There was optimism about a future freed from prejudice, genocide and totalitarianism. Political scientist Francis Fukuyama spoke confidently about the end of history as we had known it. But things have changed.

Over the last few weeks I have understood the fear felt by my mother who had acid thrown at her by anti-Semitic teenagers in Lithuania. I recognised the sense of despair and despondency of our ancestors in the face of irrational and vituperative hatred; an unconditional animosity simply because they were Jewish. I never expected to feel this way, I was naively optimistic that the world had changed. I certainly didn’t think I would ever feel this way in Australia.

It all changed for me watching the international reaction in Europe and the United States to renewed hostilities between Israel and Gaza.

Jerusalem is considered holy to Muslims, Jews and Christians.

Jerusalem is considered holy to Muslims, Jews and Christians.Credit: Shutterstock

This included reports of Jews being attacked in kosher restaurants, assailed on the streets of New York and Los Angeles, and toxic slogans on display at pro-Palestinian rallies calling on Jewish women to be raped and calling Jews genocidal while simultaneously suggesting that all Jews “from the river to the sea” be driven into the ocean. Despite the ceasefire, this has continued in some parts.

The public protests in Australia may have been less vicious; the comments on social media were not. The call to unspecified action by people I know in one of the Islamic organisations in Victoria disturbed me. I was however relieved their hostility was not aimed at Australian Jews which, in part, I attribute to the good relationships we have built over the years.

The hostile comments about Jews in response to the peace rally for Israel held recently in Melbourne made me feel unsafe. Despite myself, I started wondering if I should feel so secure wearing my kippah head covering or an Israel style cap even on the streets of Caulfield ... I suspect many stayed away from the proud peaceful pro-Israel rally because they were afraid.

Smoke rises from a building in Gaza City after an Israeli air strike.

Smoke rises from a building in Gaza City after an Israeli air strike.Credit: AP

I may be uncomfortable with the harsh, and in my opinion, often unwarranted criticism of Israel by the media and some Christian and Muslim associates, but I recognise their right to express their views. I don’t accept that freedom entitles them to distort the truth or threaten Jewish people. A call to action in houses of worship could incite hostility; it’s certainly an invitation to extremists to act out their malice. I have asked them to consider the consequences of their intemperate language. I ask the same of our rabid extremists. As George Orwell put it: “But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.”

I understand the pain of Muslims at the intrusion into their sacred mosque on the Temple Mount and I don’t understand why such force was so necessary. It’s Islam’s third holiest spot and should be treated with great respect, but I also ask people to recognise this is Judaism’s holiest spot and the epicentre of our spirituality.


And to the academics and agitators on the left and the right filled with indignation about Israel’s use of power in Gaza, I say strong is not wrong. The horrible destruction and suffering in Gaza were in large part brought about by Hamas and its indiscriminate targeting of civilian targets and innocent people - thousands of rockets primarily aimed at Israel’s cities. They didn’t send warnings to Israeli citizens, they didn’t build shelters for their own people. That there were not countless Jewish lives lost is only because of Israel’s extraordinary efforts to protect its citizens.

I am frustrated by how hard it is to counter the waves of acrimony being directed at Israel and Jews.

Israel’s defence system intercepts rockets fired from Gaza.

Israel’s defence system intercepts rockets fired from Gaza.Credit: AFP

Author Robert A. Heinlein put it well: “You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic.” The prayer that we say three times a day in our daily Amidah prayer has taken on a new meaning and urgency for me: “For the slanderers let there be no hope …”

As Jews we may feel very alone in the world at this moment but we are not alone. We are surrounded by one very special community, one imperfect but strong and supportive Israel, one very compassionate God. And we do have countless friends outside our community here in Australia and across the world.

Rabbi Ralph Genende AO is the senior rabbi at Caulfield Shul and senior rabbi to the Australian Defence Forces.

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