This was published 9 years ago
Khmer Rouge survivor Bunhom Chhorn films return to camp of his childhood
By Lindsay Murdoch
Phnom Penh: Bunhom Chhorn saw the black-uniformed killers in his nightmares as he was growing up in Melbourne.
"They appeared stark and terrifyingly real, always trying to catch me or do me harm," he says.
Bunhom tried to push the images away as he studied, worked night-shift in a factory and then won a place in a documentary-making course.
He never told his friends he was a child survivor of a death camp under communist Khmer Rouge guerrillas who stormed Cambodia's cities in 1975, driving millions of people into the countryside at gunpoint, in one of the most deadly revolutions of modern times.
Bunhom Chhorn directing the documentary "Camp 32" in Cambodia.
Bunhom kept quiet about almost unimaginable cruelty, such as the time in a refugee camp when a Khmer Rouge infiltrator was discovered and they slit open his stomach, put ants on his body and kept him tied up for seven days before he died.
"Do you know what people who have survived genocide fear most?" Bunhom asks, sitting under a swirling fan in the riverside foreign correspondents' club in Phnom Penh.
"They fear their story will not be believed ... I feared that not being believed would hurt more than the truth, so I said nothing."
Now almost 40 years after the Khmer Rouge's genocide, Bunhom is the unlikely star of a documentary telling how he returned to the country of his birth to find the camp in the countryside outside Battambang, Cambodia's second-largest city, where an estimated 30,000 people perished from execution, starvation and mistreatment.
An animated scene in the film "Camp 32".
The documentary, called Camp 32, is one of a series of new films and documentaries that have refocused international attention on the Khmer Rouge era, including the Angelina Jolie-directed First They Killed My Father, which is due to be screened later this year.
Bunhom says that as a young man in Melbourne barracking for Collingwood he was more interested in women and having a good time than he was about his childhood.
Bunhom Chhorn and his crew search the Cambodian countryside for Camp 32.
"My friends knew nothing about the Khmer Rouge. Most of the kids of today know little about the Khmer Rouge," he says.
But in 2003, after the birth of his daughter Laura, Bunhom decided to try to find the previously undocumented Camp 32, of which he only had fleeting flashbacks, mostly involving a tamarind tree.
In a scene from the film "Camp 32", a family is transported to the countryside in an oxcart to be executed.
"Nobody else appeared to know or care so I decided to find the place myself ... I somehow felt like the lost generation where if you don't confront it, you just can't let go," he says.
"I wanted to get justice for the souls who suffered in Camp 32."
A roundabout in Battambang where Bunhom Chhorn's father told the family to wait if they were split up. After the fall of the Khmer Rouge, Bunhom and his siblings would wait there.
Bunhom and Australian documentary producers Tim Purdie and Andrew Blogg, and researcher Gayle Miller, started filming in the capital Phnom Penh, talking to experts about the period 1975-79 when Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot presided over the deaths of almost two million Cambodians - one in every four members of the population.
They could find no record of the camp so they headed to Battambang, where they randomly hired a taxi driver to drive them to where they thought they might get a lead.
Bunhom Chhorn and his childhood friend sit under the tamarind tree in Camp 32 talking about what they saw there 40 years ago.
When Bunhom told the driver he was a survivor of Camp 32, the man looked as if he had seen a ghost.
"As it turned out the driver was the boy a little older than me who protected me in the camp," he says.
'What he saw broke his heart': Bunhom Chhorn at his father's memorial site in rural western Cambodia.
The last time they had seen each other was when they were both suffering from malnutrition and beatings from Khmer Rouge guards. Both had assumed the other had died.
The taxi driver and other locals led the documentary-makers to the camp where Bunhom's father was among the victims who perished.
The tamarind tree which stayed in Bunhom Chhorn's memory of his childhood under the Khmer Rouge.
"I discovered the reason for the flashbacks - a tamarind tree was where I used to sleep," Bunhom says.
The documentary tells how nine members of Bunhom's family were forced from Battambang into the countryside in April 1975.
Bunhom was just two years old.
His father Bun Chhorn could have taken the family to join the thousand of refugees flocking across the border into Thailand as the Khmer Rouge advanced towards the country's besieged cities.
"My father believed Cambodians would never inflict such cruelty on fellow Cambodians ... what he saw broke his heart," Bunhom says.
When the family arrived at Camp 32 after a forced march, the Khmer Rouge slaughtered a family in front of them.
"They just wanted to show us that if we didn't listen, what would happen to us," he says.
In Camp 32 Bunhom's brother Sambo, who was then aged about 10, had the task of collecting the clothes of people who were taken from the camp and never returned.
The Khmer Rouge would take children to a water hole and leave them.
"The parents would come back from work parties and ask 'where are the children'? The reply was that they were in the water hole."
Bunhom, his now 84-year-old mother Sat Lay and most of his brothers and sisters were freed when Vietnamese forces invaded Cambodia to drive out the Khmer Rouge in 1979, and the family spent years in refugee camps awaiting resettlement.
Most of the family were finally accepted by Australia and they arrived in Melbourne in late 1983.
Since Camp 32 was finished last year, Bunhom has worked on two other productions highlighting the Khmer Rouge era, one a story called "Love Under the Tamarind Tree" about a young woman who was forced to chose between marrying her secret lover or a man chosen by the Khmer Rouge. The man she overlooked was to be killed.
Bunhom is also making a feature-length movie consisting of five mini-stories that focuses on children under the Khmer Rouge. They include the story of how a young boy was forced to burn his grandmother alive.
Bunhom is seeking funding for the film, which involves him moving a village during shooting, but he is hesitant about returning to the land of his childhood straight away.
"I came back to Phnom Penh and Melbourne, but somehow I could not sleep," he said. "For a brief moment I had this horrible nightmare again. The same one I used to have when I was a young boy - always a group in black uniforms chasing after me.
"So I am going to stay away from Cambodia for a while before I go back for these other projects ... you could say I am hiding in Dandenong until I am better."
However he is still determined to see all the films through.
"I feel very strongly that it is important for the world to know what happened under the Khmer Rouge because what happened in Cambodia is now happening in Iraq and Syria under Islamic State," Bunhom says.
"Boys are seeing adults killing, maiming and torturing ... they will suffer the nightmares and trauma that I suffered," he says.
"These are stories about the destruction of humanity and evilness that must not be ever be forgotten."
Camp 32 will be screened at Melbourne's Jewish Holocaust Centre in March.