

This was published 7 years ago

James Clapper says US institutions 'under assault' from Donald Trump


Washington: Former US director of National Intelligence James Clapper warned on Sunday that the nation's institutions were being undermined by President Donald Trump after his decision last week to fire FBI director James Comey.

Citing Russian influence in the US election, Clapper told CNN's Jake Tapper on State of the Union that outside forces were responsible for weakening the US government. He also added that "our institutions are under assault internally."

"Internally from the president?" Tapper asked.

"Exactly," said Clapper. "I think the Founding Fathers, in their genius, created a system of three coequal branches of government and a built-in system of checks and balances. And I feel as though it's under assault and eroding."

Former National Intelligence director James Clapper.

Former National Intelligence director James Clapper.Credit: AP

Clapper's remarks reflect a growing alarm among policymakers and legal experts who say Trump has undercut the credibility of the FBI and its independence at a time when the agency is investigating alleged links between Trump's campaign and Russian officials.

His comments coincided with Sunday TV talk shows curiously lacking White House representatives defending Comey's sacking.

Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace opened his show by highlighting who was not – rather than who was – on his guest list.

Wallace said he had invited the White House to send an official "to explain the president's reasoning and to discuss the fallout" from the Comey affair. However the White House had refused, offering only someone to discuss Trump's upcoming foreign trip.

Sacked FBI director James Comey.

Sacked FBI director James Comey.Credit: AP

Other programs were similarly void of White House representatives, although ABC News' This Week booked Nikki Haley, US ambassador to the United Nations, and NBC News' Meet the Press had Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

Later in the morning, White House counsellor Kellyanne Conway joined Fox News' Media Buzz to criticise the media coverage of Comey's firing.

US President Donald Trump.

US President Donald Trump.Credit: AP

Conway said that the president had been "thinking about" firing Comey "for a while" and that decision was hastened when Trump received a memo from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

She said Rosenstein recommended Comey's firing, although the memo made public by the White House offers only a critique of Comey's performance and does not mention firing him.

Conway insisted that the investigation into Russian interference in the election would continue.

The absence of White House officials on Sunday willing to talk about Comey's firing gave Democrats an opportunity to criticise.

The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee said he would like to see Comey testify at a public session of the panel.

"We would love to have Director Comey appear in an open hearing," Virginia Senator Mark Warner told This Week With George Stephanopoulos. "Jim Comey deserves his chance to lay out to the American public his side of the facts."

Warner said his panel or another congressional committee would "absolutely" subpoena Trump to hand over any recordings that existed of his conversations with Comey.

"We have got to make sure that these tapes, if they exist, don't mysteriously disappear," Warner said.

Trump suggested on Friday that he taped private White House conversations with the then-FBI director. White House officials have not confirmed or denied the existence of a recording system.

The non-denials have intensified calls by Democrats for an independent, non-partisan special prosecutor to investigate Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Several key Republicans and Democrats said any recordings of White House conversations would need to be preserved for congressional review.

"If there are any tapes of this conversation, they need to be turned over," Republican Senator Lindsey Graham told NBC's Meet the Press.

Democrat Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer said that if such tapes exist, "the president should turn them over immediately."

"To destroy them would be a violation of law ... he should turn them over to Congress and to the investigators," Schumer told CNN's State of the Union.


"If there are no tapes, he should apologise to both Jim Comey and the American people for misleading them."

The Washington Post

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