

This was published 10 years ago

Iraqi militias explain why they fight ISIL: it's not to please the West

By Paul McGeough

Baghdad: In a city awash with blood and gore, it borders on precious for the perpetrators of some of the brutality to demand that we slice and dice words in depicting their actions for a foreign audience.

But at a succession of meetings in Baghdad's Shiite districts – in the cinder-block drabness of the Sadr City slums; the effete cafe society of inner Karrada; and in the commandeered mansions that comprise a new Shiite political enclave on the banks of the Tigris River – I found that "militia" had become the dirtiest word in the English dictionary.

At a city cafe I was introduced to men from the Imam Ali Brigade, a splinter movement from the Mahdi Army, which fought ferociously against the Americans and their coalition colleagues after the US-led invasion of 2003. Fadil al-Shairawi, an actor and poet, was one of the so-called "marsh warriors" who fought running battles against Saddam Hussein in the vast southern marshlands – he wore Ray-Ban glasses. Ahmad Hatif, a television and film scriptwriter, arrived in a dapper white sports coat.

"We are under formal military command and we work within the framework of government institutions," the 52-year-old Shairawi said. "Before the US-led invasion it was different, because we did oppose the regime. And for a time after 2003, some of us fought the state.

Defending Iraq: A fighter with the Shiite Imam Ali Brigade guards its headquarters in Baghdad.

Defending Iraq: A fighter with the Shiite Imam Ali Brigade guards its headquarters in Baghdad.Credit: Kate Geraghty

"But in this war, we are defending the state, not our sect."

The prism through which most of the half-dozen or more brigades - call them militias at your peril - view the world, the region and this conflict is that the West created al-Qaeda as a tool to defeat the Soviet Union in Afghanistan; and that the so-called Islamic State, which now controls swathes of Iraq and neighbouring Syria, is a US-Israeli invention to contain Iran – "to clip Tehran's fingernails", I was told.

"The governments of the US, Britain and Australia are hypocritical, selectively blind," a dentist turned fighter in the service of Iraq's Hezbollah Brigades argued. "They created IS to serve as a bogyman to scare the countries of this region – they want to pressure Iran; and to return to Iraq, but this time they want to control the country without sending ground forces.

"They want us all to need the US as a superpower saviour."

Shairawi told me: "The sum of all our fears is that the American agenda is not to protect the Iraqi people so much as to protect what it perceives to be its strategic interests in the country."

Claiming he had approached a United Nations official for emergency supplies for civilians in Amerli, 175 kilometres north of Baghdad, while it was besieged by IS, the Hezbollah dentist, who goes by the name "Dr Thafer", said: "I was told no, because Amerli was a hotspot, too dangerous; then I watch TV and I see the coalition dropping supplies to people under IS attack in the Sinjar Mountains."

If Washington and its allies were genuine in their pursuit of IS, so the logic goes, they would work with the brigades – arm them and increase the intensity of their air strikes on IS. "It's a very simple equation," Sheikh Adnan al-Shahmani, an MP who takes time away from the national parliament to lead his own fighters in battle, told me. "All the US needs to do is to supply us and cut the IS supply lines. We have enough manpower to defeat IS."

Hisham al-Hashimi, a Baghdad analyst, said that more than 100,000 militiamen had been put on the government payroll – being paid $US400 to $US600 a month. They were issued uniforms and small-calibre weapons; they had access to government-owned vehicles and most of their leadership was hooked into the country's military and intelligence apparatus.

'We have a creed': Imam Ali Brigade fighters take their evening meal together.

'We have a creed': Imam Ali Brigade fighters take their evening meal together.Credit: Kate Geraghty

Tens of thousands more in the Salam Brigade, previously known as the Mahdi Army, refused to accept a government salary, believing they had a religious duty to fight.

But Hashimi said: "The militias run their own race – refusing to obey orders if they disagree; their loyalty is to their political leadership, not the military command."

Don't call them militias: Haji Jaafar al-Bindawi (centre) with his men at the Imam Ali Brigade's headquarters in Baghdad.

Don't call them militias: Haji Jaafar al-Bindawi (centre) with his men at the Imam Ali Brigade's headquarters in Baghdad.Credit: Kate Geraghty

Last Saturday, the militias seemed to get even loftier access to the levers of Iraqi power when new Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi appointed Mohammed Ghabban to run the sensitive Interior Ministry. Ghabban represents the Badr Organisation, for many years the military wing of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq.

There are fears this appointment could lead to a repeat of a 2005-06 surge in sectarian killings, when the Supreme Council's control of the same ministry opened the way for death squads to masquerade as policemen – with the preferred methods of killing allegedly including a power drill to the skull, according to a leaked US State Department cable.

'We have enough manpower': Sheikh Adnan al-Shahmani, MP and militia leader, at his home in Baghdad.

'We have enough manpower': Sheikh Adnan al-Shahmani, MP and militia leader, at his home in Baghdad.Credit: Kate Geraghty

The Badr Organisation and ISCI both have strong ties to Iran. In a recent interview, Badr's leader, Hadi al-Amiri, told The Washington Post: "If it wasn't for Iran, Baghdad would have fallen [in the face of the IS surge into Iraq in June].

"They gave us weapons, they gave us ammunition, they gave us their military experience. We are not ashamed of it – when our country is in danger, we'll go to any country that will help us. Do you want us to wait for the Americans?"

Volunteer fighter Ismail Abdul Hassan, 17, recovers in Baghdad's al-Wasiti hospital after being wounded by an improvised explosive device while patrolling Baghdad's hinterland.

Volunteer fighter Ismail Abdul Hassan, 17, recovers in Baghdad's al-Wasiti hospital after being wounded by an improvised explosive device while patrolling Baghdad's hinterland.Credit: Kate Geraghty

Hashimi described the militias as "harsh and cruel" but effective in battle. They had stopped or slowed IS advances on Baghdad's southern perimeter and their key role as a ground force in evicting IS forces from Amerli, in the first week of September, was celebrated as the first successful repulsion of IS forces when it seemed they were capable of closing on Baghdad.

Hashimi added: "It is they who call the shots and influence political planning and military decision-making. Why? Because they can wage urban guerilla war and the Iraqi Army can't."

Uneasy partners: Ahmad Hatif (left) and Fadil al-Shairawi, spokesmen for the Imam Ali Brigade, view the United States with suspicion.

Uneasy partners: Ahmad Hatif (left) and Fadil al-Shairawi, spokesmen for the Imam Ali Brigade, view the United States with suspicion.Credit: Kate Geraghty

By his account, the Iraqi Army moved in slow, heavy columns and could not challenge the swift IS forces – "the army is like a circus in the desert".

Implied more than stated by some in the militias was a view that the Iraqi Army also failed because as an American creation, it was a godless entity.

Explaining why he had opted to join one of the militias over the army, a fighter told me: "We have a will to die; we are dogmatic – we have a creed, an ideology; and we are honoured to serve our nation."

But it's a bit more complicated than that. In this conflict the atrocities of IS are well documented, less so the serial murderous abuses attributed to the Shiite brigades.

There is evidence that they run their own brutal regime of extrajudicial killings in Baghdad and other centres, rounding up dozens of Sunnis and hauling them away for mass executions or snatching them in ones and twos – for their bodies to be recovered from wasteland days later, invariably with a bullet in the head. Most often the culprit, according to witnesses interviewed by the New York-based Human Rights Watch, was a Shiite militia called Asaib Ahl al-Haq, or the League of the Righteous.

In a report released in July, Human Rights Watch documents the death of 61 Sunni men between June 1 and July 9, and the killing of at least 48 Sunni men in March and April
in villages and towns around Baghdad.

Last week, Amnesty International released a harrowing 28-page document, Absolute Impunity: Militia Rule in Iraq, in which it chronicles murders and abductions which often included ransom demands for tens of thousands of dollars that even when paid still saw the victim executed.

It reads: "Since Iraqi central government forces lost control of much of northern Iraq to the Sunni Islamist armed group ... IS last June, sectarian attacks have spiralled to a level not seen since 2006-2007, the worst period of civil strife in the country's recent history."

As the killings escalated in the weeks after the IS capture of the northern city of Mosul on June 10, a Health Ministry doctor told HRW: "Sunnis are a minority in Baghdad, but they're the majority in our morgue."

Hashimi agreed that some in the brigades acted outside the law. But he opted to explain away these murders as traditional revenge for the loss of comrades in battle.

Hatif, the 50-year-old scriptwriter, said: "OK – the Shiite warriors are not angels – mistakes happen."

But he then sought refuge in an argument of equivalence: "Let's get back to the notion of the bullet in the head – for years that's what al-Qaeda in Iraq did; that's how they executed people. Now people are out there wearing the uniforms of the brigades and doing these killings to destroy our image. How else do you explain that we have not
executed the families of the al-Qaeda fighters who are still among us? And when we take an area, we don't force women to wear hijab or make men grow beards – but IS gets its nose into everything."

At a safe house in Baghdad's Karrada district, Hatif and Shairawi introduced me to Haji Jaafar al-Bindawi, a founder of Asaib Ahl al-Haq. Bindawi was a military commander in AAH before splitting off with his Imam Ali Brigade, which reputedly has several thousand fighters.

With a SIG Sauer pistol on his desk and a US-issue M4 rifle propped against an airconditioning duct, Bindawi accused HRW and Amnesty of taking the side of "terrorists" by investigating the deaths and he suggested the killings were a good outcome because the custodial and judicial processing of those murdered would have cost about $US1500 each had they been formally charged.

Did they deserve to die? "Dead bodies in civilian areas, they belong to terrorists. But I'm not saying we're killing civilians in cities."

Were other militias eliminating these people? "I can't answer on behalf of others."

The mayhem was acknowledged at prayers last Friday in the Shiite shrine city of Najaf, when the Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, in a sermon read out on his behalf, rebuked the militias for what was translated as "the activity of undisciplined individuals in their ranks".

'We had more courage'

The brigades do not disclose their battle losses, but Baghdad is decked in banners celebrating the lives of hundreds of "martyrs" – many of which incorporate an image of the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. I asked why the Iranian leader, and the response came from a local suggesting even an idiot should know: "Father of the revolution," he snorted.

Seventeen-year-old Ismail Abdul Hassan was lucky not to be adorning one of the street banners. From Maysan province in the south, he was driven to sign up by a fatwa, issued by Ayatollah Sistani, urging fit young men to fight the Sunni extremists. But he had to try five recruiting centres - three run by militias and two by government forces - before the Badr Organisation signed him up, gave him rudimentary training and sent him off to battle.

On October 16, his unit was patrolling with the Iraqi Army near al-Karma, on Baghdad's western fringe.

Ismail detected a poorly concealed IED [improvised explosive device] under some rocks. He thought he could skirt the device, but inadvertently activated a concealed trigger. "I felt nothing," he said on Monday, as he was being prepared for surgery to severe shrapnel wounds over most of his body at Baghdad's al-Wasiti hospital. "But my face and eyes were bleeding. My guys dragged me by the shoulders for two hours before they could put me on a stretcher."

Again I hear an account of reluctance by the Iraqi Army to throw itself into this fight. "They wouldn't advance – it was just us volunteers," he said. "We had more courage – the army should have joined us, but they refused. We always have to take the lead; they always follow at a distance."

Ironically, many in the militias' ranks cheerfully acknowledge cutting their teeth while opposing coalition forces in Iraq for nearly a decade after the fall of Saddam Hussein.

"I used to plant IEDs to get the American troops when they were in Iraq. I think we did about $US3 billion in damage to one of the US bases that we blasted with about nine tonnes of rockets. The land we launched the rockets from is now a camp for IDPs [internally displaced people]," the Iraqi Hezbollah dentist Thafer bragged.

The poet and actor Shairawi confessed that he too fought against the Americans, adding: "The training the Americans 'gave' us as we fought their occupation was more genuine than the training and resourcing they provided when they claimed to be rebuilding the Iraqi Army – they deliberately made it weak as part of their US-Israeli strategy to keep Iraq weak."

Shairawi explained the militias' parallel existence with the national security apparatus thus: "The Iraqi Army is corrupted and ineffective, but we have experience in guerilla and urban combat. The danger to our country was so imminent that if we had attempted to place our volunteers into the structures of the Iraqi Army, IS would have been in Baghdad by the time we had figured it all out – the enemy was at the door.

"We needed radical decisions and the [Ayatollah] Sistani fatwa provided the religious framework for our operations, and now that we are being formalised alongside the Iraqi Army, we have a legal framework."

A helpful local resorted to the idea of Russian dolls in an effort to make sense of it all: "There's a government inside a government inside a government. And there's a military inside a military inside a military."


Shairawi refused to disclose the Imam Ali Brigade's fighting numbers, but boasted: "We're an effective ground force and we have cleared a lot of cities - wherever we are, people are being liberated. And now we have the initiative – but if the US continues to ignore us and refuses to co-operate, then bad things will happen."

His commander, Haji Jaafar Abu Kawthar, was more explicit in a video response to local reports that US military advisers would be based at two bases north of Baghdad. Claiming that he had lost many fighters repulsing IS efforts to take the bases, he said: "We don't need foreign forces. We will see them the same as IS ... and we'll treat them like that ... we shall fight any project that aims to split or divide Iraq under any cover, national or international, until the last drop of blood."

Abu Kawthar signed off: "Today we have warned and tomorrow we'll act."

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