

This was published 8 years ago

In Damascus, Syrians celebrate Vladimir Putin as their hero. Will they miss him?

By Loveday Morris

Damascus: Since Moscow lent its air power to the Syrian government's war, Russian leader Vladimir Putin has achieved cult status in Damascus.

His face has joined images of President Bashar Assad on necklaces, mugs and key-rings sold in souvenir shops in the capital. "Together against Terrorism" read posters at checkpoints showing the two men. Army generals affectionately referred to him as "Abu Ali Putin", while some Syrian schools have started offering Russian language classes.

An image of Syrian president Bashar Assad hangs in a business in old city of Damascus.

An image of Syrian president Bashar Assad hangs in a business in old city of Damascus. Credit: Washington Post

With Moscow's intervention so publicly lauded, its decision to draw down its military presence this week on the fifth anniversary of the conflict's start brought an inevitable ripple of uncertainty to Damascus - coming just as Assad had appeared to be in a position of renewed military confidence.

Six months of Russian airstrikes helped Assad stem, and then reverse, losses on the battlefield, with his forces regaining more than 10,000 square kilometres of territory. By beginning a pullout, Moscow appears to be pressing for a political deal as a new round of peace talks begin in Geneva while maintaining a cease-fire that has brought some respite from violence.

Uncertainty ripples through Damascus as Russian troops withdraw from Syria.

Uncertainty ripples through Damascus as Russian troops withdraw from Syria.Credit: Washington Post

If the announcement came as a surprise to Syria, the government was at pains not to show it. As Russia began packing up and flying jets and equipment home from an air base in Latakia province, officials appeared on state television to play down the significance of the pullout, stressing that it had been coordinated with the Syrian government.

And over the past five years, Assad has proved himself a perpetual survivor.

The street demonstrations against his government morphed into a proxy war drawing in the US, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Iran. More than 250,000 people have died, half the population has been displaced, and cities and towns have been reduced to rubble.


"This is a third world war," Abu Abdullah said. "It may be a small one, but it's not easy to solve".

Images of president Bashar Assad dominate a fence in central Damascus.

Images of president Bashar Assad dominate a fence in central Damascus.Credit: Washington Post

The anniversary of the initial uprising, not recognised by the government, passed without occasion this week in the Syrian capital. Among the stalls of the capital's Hamidiyeh souk, where protesters once chanted for freedom, it was business as usual.

"We don't discuss this ever," said one shopkeeper when asked about those early days of protest. He did not want his name published while talking about politics. "The walls have ears," he said. Government minders also accompany foreign journalists in Damascus.

Russian Su-25 ground attack jets parked after returning from Syria, at a Russian air base in Primorsko-Akhtarsk, southern Russia, on Wednesday.

Russian Su-25 ground attack jets parked after returning from Syria, at a Russian air base in Primorsko-Akhtarsk, southern Russia, on Wednesday. Credit: AP

But while the initial aims of those protests may be as distant as ever, a nearly three-week-old cease-fire has given residents in neighbourhoods on the edge of the front lines in Damascus a glimpse of peace. Russia has said it will keep a presence at its air base in Syria to continue to monitor cease-fire violations, and its S-400 surface-to-air missile systems are also expected to remain.

Just a month ago, Elias Dawoud, 40, would visit his church near the front lines in the rebel-held Jobar area two hours before the service in hope that he would avoid the mortar fire. He would worry about his children making their way to school.

A Syrian refugee hangs clothes to dry on a barbed-wired fence at a camp for Syrian refugees in Islahiye, in Turkey.

A Syrian refugee hangs clothes to dry on a barbed-wired fence at a camp for Syrian refugees in Islahiye, in Turkey.Credit: AP

Now, at sunset, the sound of cabaret singers drifts through the tiny alleyways of the Damascus neighborhood of Bab Touma near his home, where the streets are jammed with traffic once more.

"Before it had got safer, but it was not normal enough for my family to go to church," he said. "But now it's more normal, and the number of people in church has tripled."

The sound of shelling into the rebel-held suburbs, though still occasionally heard on the evening air, has largely subsided.

But it remains unclear how much air cover Moscow will continue to provide to the Syrian army and the plethora of forces from Iran, Iraq and Lebanon fighting alongside it.

At the golden-domed Shiite shrine of Sayyidah Zaynab on the outskirts of Damascus, Shiite militiamen from Iraq milled through stalls buying gifts before travelling home after their two-month rotation. Mohammed Saleh Ibrahim, a 40-year-old fighter with the Asaib Ahl al-Haq Shiite militia, said he had just come from the front lines in Aleppo, where pro-government forces have advanced under the cover of Russian air power. He sees the fight as a religious duty, he said.

Last month, four car bombs killed hundreds of people near the shrine, demolishing one building and ripping the facade off another in a reminder to residents that Islamic State fighters are still not far away. The group, along with the al-Qaeda-affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra, is not included in the cease-fire agreement, which means Russia, Syria and the United States can continue bombing militant targets.

"You never feel fully at rest here," said Umm Mustafa, 44. She was cleaning her third-floor apartment, despite it now being open to the elements, its entire front wall torn away.

Washington Post

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