

This was published 8 years ago

Former Argentine leader Cristina Fernandez ​de Kirchner charged in central bank case

By Hugh Bronstein

Buenos Aires: Former Argentine president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner was indicted on Friday over accusations that she oversaw irregularities in the central bank's sale of US dollars in the futures market while she was in office.

Federal judge Claudio Bonadio charged Ms Fernandez, her former economy minister Axel Kicillof and former central bank chief Alejandro Vanoli with "unfaithful administration to the detriment of public administration", according to court papers.

Argentina's former President Cristina Fernandez arrives at the airport in El Calafate, Argentina, in April as she travels to the capital to face questions.

Argentina's former President Cristina Fernandez arrives at the airport in El Calafate, Argentina, in April as she travels to the capital to face questions. Credit: Francisco Munoz

The ruling, which gives a green light for prosecutors to put Ms Fernandez on trial, may be appealed. There was no arrest warrant.

The accusation is that the central bank took billions of dollars worth of money-losing positions in the futures market ahead of a widely expected devaluation of the Argentine peso.

Former Argentine president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner.

Former Argentine president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner.Credit: AP

Ms Fernandez, who heads a large faction of the Peronist party, stepped down in December at the end of her second term.

Her successor, Mauricio Macri, won the presidency on a platform of ditching currency controls that he said were strangling the economy. Since lifting the controls in mid-December the peso has weakened by about 30 per cent to 14.1575 per US dollar.

Ms Fernandez last month accused the Macri government of political persecution after testifying in court about the central bank's dollar-buying operations.


The transactions referred to in the case involved $US5 billion to $US17 billion ($6.9 billion to $23.4 billion), according to court papers published by Argentina's Judicial Information Centre.

"It's impossible to believe that a financial operation of this size ... could have been carried out without the approval of the highest executive level of the national government," the ruling said.

Ms Fernandez is revered by millions for the generous welfare programs she offered while in office and reviled by others for economic policies such as nationalising businesses and placing heavy-handed controls on the economy.

"The indictment was not unexpected, but politically, it creates noise," said Ignacio Labaqui, who analyses Argentina for emerging markets consultancy Medley Global Advisors. "Peronism is going through a leadership crisis and this could make the divisions within the party more acute."

The indictment of Ms Fernandez came a day after the president of neighbouring Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, was suspended from office by the Senate while she is tried on charges of breaking budget rules.


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