

This was published 3 years ago

'Overwhelmed': Germany, France return to lockdown as virus cases soar in Europe

By Bevan Shields

London: Europe is bracing for a new spate of national lockdowns as COVID-19 surges across the continent and threatens to fill hospitals with more patients than the first deadly wave of earlier this year.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday announced fresh lockdowns to bring down the rapidly growing number of infections, hospitalisations and deaths in each country.

All restaurants in France will be forced to close for at least a month under a new national lockdown.

All restaurants in France will be forced to close for at least a month under a new national lockdown.Credit: AP

The decisions mark a milestone in Europe's battle with the disease because governments had until now resisted the sort of mass closures ordered during the outbreak of March and April.

In an address to the nation, Macron said France had been "overwhelmed" and warned the second wave would kill more people over winter than 30,000 who died in the spring.

He said avoiding a lockdown was not acceptable because it would kill 400,000 citizens.

"All of us in Europe have been taken aback by the extent of this virus," he said. "We know that this second wave will be even harder and more lethal than the first.

"Whatever we will do, some 9000 patients will be in intensive care units by mid-November, which is the absolute capacity of ICUs in France. If we don't take action now, if we don't try to rein it in, then our hospitals will be overwhelmed."

Doctors would have to make decisions about who lives and who dies if the country's infection rate does not come down, the President said.


Schools and offices will remain open but all hospitality venues will be forced to close from Friday. People will be permitted to leave their home for one hour if they have a good excuse but travel between regions will be banned.

The country has recorded up to 50,000 confirmed cases each day but Jean-Francois Delfraissy, one of the government's chief scientific advisers, this week said the true figure was probably 100,000 per day.

In Germany, restaurants, bars, cafes, theatres and gyms will be shut for at least a month from November 2. Schools will stay open and shops can only trade if they agree to a maximum of one person per 10 square metres.

"We have to act, and we have to act now, to avoid a national health emergency," Merkel said.

"Our health system can still cope with this challenge today, but at this speed of infections it will reach the limits of its capacity within weeks."

Germany had been a leader in contract tracing but the outbreak is growing so rapidly that authorities are now unable to track the origin of 75 per cent of all new cases.

There is rising panic in Europe about the crisis and a growing view that while the second wave won't peak as sharply, it will last longer than the first and ultimately claim more lives.

Europe now represents nearly 50 per cent of all confirmed global cases.

The disease is proving less fatal than earlier this year but deaths are still climbing rapidly.

On Wednesday, 310 new deaths were recorded in Britain, 244 in France, 236 in Poland, 204 in Italy, 139 in Belgium and 85 in Germany, which had been one of the continent's most effective countries at suppressing the virus.

Hospitals are so busy in Belgium that some front-line health workers have been asked to stay on the job even though they are infected with the disease.

One of the country's top epidemiologists, Pierre Van Damme, told Belgian media the country's health system could collapse within 10 days.

The Sun newspaper reported that fresh government modelling has suggested more than 25,000 people will be in hospital with the disease in Britain by the end of November.

Oliver Johnson, a professor of information theory and the director of the Institute for Statistical Science at the University of Bristol, said that was "probably a best case scenario".

There are already about 10,000 people hospitalised with COVID-19 in the UK - more than 900 of whom are on ventilators.

"Coronavirus cases and hospitalised patients are rising sharply and in some parts of the country, including Liverpool, Lancashire and Nottingham, hospitals are now treating more COVID-19 patients than at the peak of the pandemic in April," said Professor Stephen Powis, the national medical director for the National Health Service.

Tighter restrictions in Italy have triggered protests in Rome.

Tighter restrictions in Italy have triggered protests in Rome.Credit: AP

Across Europe, the cumulative number of new infections over the past fortnight has hit 1448 for every 100,000 people in the Czech Republic, 1424 in Belgium, 711 in the Netherlands, 660 in France, 470 in Spain and 424 in Britain.

The same measure in Melbourne peaked at about 130 cases per 100,000 residents.


Germany's rate of 156 is lower than the vast majority of Europe, meaning Merkel has ordered a partial lockdown earlier in the course of its outbreak compared to its neighbours.

European markets fell on Wednesday as investors worried about the partial lockdowns in the continent's largest and second-largest economies, and the capacity for other governments to respond to the crisis.

Some debt-laden countries are running out of fiscal levers to support affected businesses and workers.

Merkel announced a €10 billion ($16.6 billion) assistance package on Wednesday but Germany's debt-to-GDP ratio is only forecast to peak at 77 per cent.

However, in Italy, which is also battling a major outbreak, the debt-to-GDP figure was expected to hit 156 per cent before the second wave appeared.

Australia's debt-to-GDP will peak at 43.8 per cent, according to this month's budget.

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An earlier version of this story calculated the number of infections in Melbourne per 100,000 people based on the average daily number of cases over 14 days. The updated figure of 130 is based on the cumulative number of cases over 14 days and is an accurate comparison with the method used to devise Europe's rate per 100,000.

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